Okay, I am nowhere near complete with all these pages ..hehe ..they are as unorganized as my room,However I will attempt to place on this page how everything works together and without some of the foundation it may leave a question mark as to how I came to some conclusions others you may not need a foundation because it makes perfect sense ..so without further ado ..

I am defaulting to God and not just God the biblical God because the biblical God is the one that makes the most sense for what we have here as explained previously ..anyone that says things like gees how can YOUR God allow for this or that ..and yet they believe in a different God and would not their God be allowing for the same crap?

     lol .. so I say to you, what makes more sense a God that does or allows for death and extreme pain and anguish that made us to go through this just to "learn" gees seems a bit rough and apparently the person the croaked off learned all they ever could and are now useless ..so everyone that died babies to adults must have learned it all ..you know there are so many angles to go over with a god like that showing wrong wrong wrong ..

       what I see is someone messed up period..and if God made it all then i am quite sure he new what we needed to be free willed people and part of this is to take responsibility for our actions ..people say why because Adam and eve sinned do i have to die? Ask this question to yourself instead, even before you were a believer if you are ..did you know not to do some things wrong and did it anyhow? who on earth can say they have never sinned ..no one ,so do we truly know if God would indeed take us if we did not sin?

We have a couple accounts that lean in that direction ...he took enoch and elijah .I am unsure if they ever sinned or not but its a possibility ..the scientific minded would poo poo on the thought ..however I do believe you also have no precedence set for someone without sin..to be able to know for sure what being sinless would actually do or cause even physical reactions of the body ..stress can cause so much physical harm and fear and it says fear is from the devil ..(im not saying all fear you feel is )

again there is enough evidence that physical changes can occur if you are doing wrong  to produce negative impact on your body and we know singing and being loving causes positive effects in the body so we have some workable data to give us a glimpse into a sinless person may not have a run on degrading of the body produced I am suggesting a much longer life span not immortality since i do believe we were not made immortal according to the bible however a type of fruit or leaf was to consumed to give us this, this was the tree of life is .

       Now God still may indeed take away person that is sinless at some point and allow for the gift of eternal life .. and as far as Christ resurrecting  who is to say for sure and since there are witnesses and plenty to this like it or not the bible is a document Jesus was dead then He was not ..liars would be killed and the apostles all went to their deaths over this pretty sure they saw something to take it that far! anyhow i am  just moving along now ..

Anyhow bypassing evolution debating because genesis kinds that christians put god in a box over plus believe that God made us all immortal when clearly a tree of life and us having to eat food would show other wise ..this did mean a spiritual death was referred to and God removed the man from the garden to prevent him from eating of the tree of life and living forever in sin . 

  so ya i would say their was a life and death cycle and i believe some days were days and others could of been long spans of time ..and animals changing to however they need to to adapt to their environment makes sense that they could do this without the box and still be kinds ..basically it matters not about evolution when the bible is concerned 

  So we have God make us and we are put in the physical which HAS to have laws in order for this physical world to exist. Like it or not one of these natural laws is the FACT that we are not complete we are not as complete as God we have been made ..what happens to show this fact ..well physically we need food ..we need companions ..so on ..how does this incomplete state show up in the universe ? CHAOS unstructured ..how can we strive to be better we take from chaos and bring structure to it .this chaos allows for flexibility and we take structures made already to fill our incomplete body food plus we eating equals feeling full or more complete ..

  the more order is brought in the less free will this is shown by the simple math 1 second can be divided infinitely and same with any distance ..if you were to have a camera that could take 1billion frames per second and you moved your arm that motion would be caught on frame ..same with a camera taking 10 frames per second ..  so yes it is infinite however when placed in the right situation like that of a black hole or travel at light speed ..when time is stopped simple math becomes fact ..

  God calls this chaos "evil" "I have created both good and evil" now some shudder with what evil is bad ..no..evil causes desires to do good or bad ..its an unformed action waiting to happen ..when you use evil to do bad it becomes sin ..its like saying desires are bad .they are not only how you go about attaining what you desire ..or if your desire is bad from the start this can be bad from the start such as taking another mans wife . But evil is chaos or an incomplete state ..biblically the Devil used his desire to be god and sinned ..but we are not getting into all that..man used his desire to want to take a short cut to being like God ..Man had it in him to want to be like God which is a good thing son wanting to be like Dad .however they were told how NOT to go about that and they disobeyed..now they used their being incomplete and they desired to be like God and instead of choosing the correct path tried to take a shortcut and one that they were told had a deadened lol ..

  ok so they fell as the devil did by using chaos and evil that inspired desire and they formed sin out of it ..this is how sin was made by man basically he baked a cake had the right ingredients to form sin ..so this sin action is on man and all his responsibility ..here is the question ..but wait God put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as a test or a trap ..NO he put that there as food for Adam and eve ..but food that they would be able to eat later as they grew in spirit and understanding as they talked to God . All those trees where there for a reason but some things that are here for a good reason can be used to cause the worst problems ..even drinking too much water can kill you ..Some say because they had no free will without it ?

   NO they did have free will to move and choose whatever they wanted this is free will ..its like saying God has no free will because he cannot sin ..that is preposterous don't you agree? So you should also agree that God had a purpose for this tree and was not to prove they loved God or some sort of trap..pretty sure God already knew they loved him ..the only thing that truly hits the nail on the head ,is the tree was for them and they used it far too soon ,they would have been rewarded with this as their bodies slowly transformed into the body that christ attained (yes the end result was  this body that is what was meant but the spirit had to grow with in it like a seed when planted ..but now a different way to attain it had to be done) and they would have  been granted the knowledge by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil either in stages or all at once I am unsure ..

   Now God did not create and make it to fail ..you must understand that when God stated the wages of sin is death and understand Adam and Eve could indeed make sin come into existence but God has to be true to his nature, he said this out of his nature, its that simple he did not say "the wages of sin is death" because he thought what a good idea, Man fell and their spirit was dead the energy that powered the seeds (their physical body) died. Now you may disagree that their bodies were like seeds and that is okay you may accept that possibly the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was for their use later and still not believe they would of acquired bodies like Christ received ..I do think you should think though ..paul the apostle calls our bodies just that and when we die these bodies will be transformed the same as christs body was transformed ..this is not proof but it does lean in the direction I am saying.

Lastly you may not accept it and think the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was a temptation that god used to test Adam and eve . so we move onward ..

  Some Christian religions think that Jesus was not God in the flesh ..others think Jesus was an angel ..Now understand this ..an incomplete being which are all those that are created are less then God .. and can not die for the entire universe ..when you get that ALL sin committed is committed against God and you see how the sacrifice works to remove sin you will fully understand that ya it took God to do the sacrifice.

  God and God alone knows every aspect of his nature and what needs to be done to follow a perfect walk that pleases him 100 percent and not just that a sacrifice has to be worthy of abolishing all sin in the world  for all time..So you cannot have another incomplete being be created by God as God sends this incomplete being to die for all sin ..What you need is a self created being free from original sin brought on us by being self created and filled with God this being is complete ..he is the fullness of God and Man a perfect sacrifice.

  what God does now is cause sin to sin ..what you say? sin is sin so sin sins ..yes but sin is the only thing that can break the command of God that states the wages of sin is death..when Jesus was on the cross and he said father forgive them for they know not what they do ..this cleared man of the crime against Him and made sin and its inspiration held accountable for it and this made them a type of entity that was committing these actions  So when Christ died He preached to the captives that were from the days of noah and no some christian sects say this is not the case ..but it is its prophetic from david you shall not leave me in hell nor shall you suffer your holy one to see decay ..

     see they take half the scripture to be prophetic however its the whole scripture that is ..also it says he preached to the spirits that where captives ..and they stretch it further if you are wondering what it means by captives ..oh their answer captives of sin ..ahhh ..lol ...no sorry i will trust that the keys to death AND hell where given to him SO hell is judged by christ clearing the place with his preaching NEXT on to deaths judgement ,he could not stay dead he was brought back to life and not just that he has an immortal body that can never die a judgment against the wages of sin and against sin because it had no right to put him to death 

  it shows Christ receiving the keys to hell and death ..this is how he received them . it states he ascended on high  to fill the universe with his glory ..FILL ..did you catch that ...this is a judgement on the natural incomplete state of us and the entire universe because this is what inspired that sin to take place and is judged as well ..every thing christ received he earned and he earned the right to kill sin when and where he wants in whomever he wants to . Now how i ask is everything set so well in the bible that even the sacrificed makes perfect sense even if you do not believe it ..if all this trouble on earth comes from sin this is the only way i could ever imagine it logically to rid the universe of sin ..

SO I suppose some will debate on jesus preaching in hell and if Jesus was God or not ..but I have laid out in fairly logical order how the sacrifice naturally gives Jesus the power over sins and why he received what he did in return ..this would stop the devil from crying unfair why do you get an immortal body ..believe it or not things have to be perfectly fair for Gods nature to be appeased and the gifts given including power over all sin to destroy on his choosing and on his timing .. 



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