I was thinking one day and started realizing that all our thoughts are suppose to come from impulses in the brain, neurons firing back and forth, so neurons were firing to let me think "hmm..so every thought we have is a series of impulses firing" and I spoke it ....great ..but lets peer a bit deeper into this "scientific" answer of why thought, shall we?

IF we can choose, decide from our free will, what thoughts to say out of the many neurons firing that produce thoughts, then this ability to chose has to be produced from neurons as well, producing in us these pondering abilities we have, so by this same technique of neurons firing away in our brains, gives pondering powers lol
 Okay, so we need neurons to fire to allow us to be able to pick thoughts from other or same type neurons that fire  thoughts ..and this choosing of thoughts would most likely have to be our self aware part of the mind,choosing the thoughts to not only think but in the end, to choose the words we say as well..ok lets look at the above part a bit...

So say for instance, we have neurons that fire that produce our self awareness(this would make sense in the physical reality) and then as neurons fire, we now pick by the self aware part of the mind from the thoughts being produced  .ok seems cozy enough, right this seems to explain the physical part of our reality of the mind?

The gaping hole in this process is involved in the thinking ahead part ..see the problem? you need to already know what to say ahead of time before you pick the first word that is formed from the neurons! IN other words you need to tell the neurons you need these words to be fired in this order so You can speak them! I cannot dream up any good way to put a coherent sentence together without needing to have to control these neurons

..to a neuron, electrical impulses, ALL words would mean the same and all images as well, so they in turn would fire any word or any image in any order and though the mind may bring words or images that are not needed at times we control what ones are needed and that takes neurons firing in a particular way which we again have controlled in order to reach the information we needed for a particular circumstance.

these neurons cannot be just firing random words  or images to choose from! If they are then we really need to be controlling these images and words all the more so we can organize them into a sentence and it not come out like "spark jump frogs kittens"
Now even if the thoughts come ordered magically and packaged nicely for us to speak them or a partial organization all words of a sentence are there, just scrambled, we still would put it together thinking ahead and every thought we think to think ahead would first need to brought into our mind by the firing of neurons! In order for that to happen we need to be thinking BEFORE the neuron ever fired or we lose control  (banging head on desk) so controlling the neurons to fire words to us seems to be the answer ,also even if they came packaged on a bow, then how where they ordered in advanced fully formed, thought ahead sentences in the first place?the same rule would apply! 

if they were ordered by our self aware part ..how did that part even think ahead at all, it would need neurons to fire which would be controlling neurons in advance, to tell the neuron HEY i need this word, fire away sir!and that neuron would say "why do you need me? you just thought up the word you wanted me to fire ..and that neuron would become distressed wondering why he/she is even there in the first place ..:) 

in order to cause the neurons to fire in an organized manner and IF we have nothing greater then brain matter in us then we need to try to use physical methods to solve this paradox looking problem, to be self aware, is truly only to know without thinking a thing that we are awake all the rest in our minds is memories and such to access if we take this part away from US or our awareness we "sit" in our empty minds and look out of our eyes without  thought or direction we would see through your eyes and KNOW we exist.

Think about this,our minds is like a library some of us have a cluttered one but a library none the less. When a person asks you to recall something IE retrieve memories, images, words..you now look to your mind the book shelf and what? pray the neurons will fire out the words or the right memory ? no you  search through the  information stored in your mind , through memories, skipping passed "pages" in order to find what we know is there!

If it is not there, we say what? WE DON'T REMEMBER but we knew it was there because we know we heard or saw this information before, we just cannot find it right now. So yes we do know what we want to look for in advance in this scenario but we cannot find it and we understand not to talk the information because we understand we do not have this information available in our mind at this time. 

This action was stimulated by a person asking us a question.we also ask ourselves questions all the time and we try and attempt to retrieve information in our minds or we try to solve puzzling questions with our stored information to blend it together.

 ALL of this requires us being in control of our thoughts and images that we sift through it does NOT happen the other way around, neurons firing feeding us thoughts and images that we hope can  matches what we need if it did it that way we would all the matter need to lock and hold these images which would require controlling images, that of course would require controlling neurons to hold these images in place ie memory and hopefully in order to be able to             bring out these images to describe in words these images and or to say words in  coherent sentences

 but we know we are NOT at the mercy of our neurons (for the most part lol) and we know these work for us not the other way around

        failing to solve a problem or think the right way to solve it or access information we knew we knew we do all this by the physical neurons that produce thought and awareness, we say we don't know or we pause because we have run out of the right words to say and we know and say things like gee I knew this before or I do not remember or I never heard that before.

    I believe Most will agree with the above so I will continue to attempt to solve on we can be controlling the firing of neurons . To try and solve this physically we can add to this ,feelings. to try to help us solve thinking in advance ..I am going to use every thought I can to solve this. because just neurons firing and self aware part of mind added does NOT work at all it only makes it more complicated but we add emotions chemical reactions in the body that may help to guide our thoughts ..we add touch sight sound taste pain anger love so on ..and see


Our problem is .. how can we think and choose ahead of time in order for the neurons to fire for us to think on what thoughts to choose from?  its rather a perplexing puzzle..

I will skip ahead all the stuff that lead me to this best possible way physically to answer the thinking process.
pretend for each emotion we have, we tap a particular pathway in our brains so in a way, we get mad, it triggers our mind to reach into the "junk pile" hehe and we get thoughts like swears but we bite our tongues and we speak not those naughties (right we do that right? lol)

for love, maybe its sectioned off as well so on .this does seem to make sense and puts us on a foundation of a start at least  so we get feelings of love and out flow the words in a romantic flare up..."beautiful you lady butterfly love wow foxy sexy eyes nice" followed by drool.

I bet you have concluded this pick up line did not work well.
 the truth is if we do not control the order of word thoughts we cannot speak properly coherently so the same can be said with all other emotions like hate or lust or desires or whatever ,if you agree that you can control the order of thoughts or words or minimum reorganize which is done by thinking ahead then you are controlling neurons firing

its like you need a piece there that knows what it wants to say before hand and causes the firing of neurons in the first place! 

Those still here reading congrats you love pain and suffering! we mush on and venture into more extremes.  IF there exists people who truly do get visions of future events and such, possibly they ride the wave so to speak and view the future mentally and bounce back making their predictions.YES this thought borders on the mystical or is the mystical but it is still based on thin thread  of physical evidence based on of the time distortion that happens in a blackhole and since breaking up an atom in a particle accellerater caused a very tiny blackhole we say possibly what can be happening in our brains deep down in the core of all atoms that they could have the ability to distort time and is it possible that we do this every minute without ever knowing it?

So somehow without realizing it in our conscience mind our subconscious mind travels into the future a bit, so we are talking to someone and we know what we need to say because we said it there and this message is transmitted back to us and we speak it. OK, cool now if you can take out the crazy of it, it actually makes some sense and practically solves the problem YAY..nope boo..

when we are in the future for however far ahead we go, we would still need to think ahead there and we have the same problem don't we ..so this is not the right answer, though it may be for the future predictors and if its true how they manage it is probably by this means. But  this does not help our thinking ahead problem at all. same message would come back to us"beautiful you lady butterfly love wow foxy sexy eyes nice" followed by drooling again.

So we used time distortion, emotions, to help sifting through thoughts a bit these methods I do believe help to access our minds information(excluding time distortion)  So I believe sections of the mind stores particular types of thoughts or more neurons my fire in a particular area of the mind to reproduce thoughts we had.

 NONE of this  allows for in advance thinking or controlling the thought order, so we need to do to think something even  more drastic and try to solve this in a different way,How about  by placing our self aware into another mind and try and see what that would be like at the same time would give us a different set of thoughts to think on.

 So for now we will say the mind has structured our neurons to produce our self awareness only, nothing more and we know we are awake. So from this no soul perspective we shall venture onward to our try to answer the question and see if it shines any light on it.

We shall look at our minds as nothing more than an advanced piece of organic programing formed slowly over time from environment and other stresses needed to attain what we have today, our mind is nothing more than firing (and misfiring in my case) of electrical impulses producing our self awareness and all other functions ..


we now move forward 1000s of years into the future and In the future scientist now understand how to extract from YOUR brain,but even more importantly the self aware portion of it and can actually transplant this into another human and transfer your consciousness into his!

his shall be stored for safe keeping as we get to experiences his thoughts and actions and can see from our new minds perspective
 we would not remember being in that persons head when we got back to our head because we are only a self awareness it would be like we got amnesia about the entire thing lol .. but we can ponder allot and learn allot from this line of thought of awareness transfer and believe it or not it really plays into thinking ahead!

it is you and would be you in the mind of another you have all their memories.

Now comes some uncomfortable problems if we are indeed only an organic program forged from our experience and environment peer pressure and the likes.

 Since this other persons memories that  have been acquired by YOU being placed in his head are far different then your own were ..what if they for instance HE enjoyed things we hate or felt was wrong when we were in our mind?  We are knowing we are awake and having memories we think are our own now.

Do we now continue to do the things they would ? why not, we would have the memories of doing everything that person did and pretty sure we would continue to be that person, because we would have their memories we would also have the emotional drive for it and the chemicals that release into our newly acquired body from this drive and desire to do those bad things,it would seem that since all we know is "we are aware" and all we have are the desire to do things we would never have done had we been in our own minds, then I have to conclude we will continue on the way that this other person had been!

We cannot think somehow there is some spark in us that screams no it is wrong, because no soul exists or if you do not believe in a soul then that part is back in our other mind ..so it is not logical to think we would not do it, to be self aware is just "to know we are here"and it does not reason what is right or wrong,nor does it feel emotions.so by transferring self awareness between humans it would appear that no good change has been made, nor can we change the mind that  we have been put into, there is no will to change our circumstances we only know we exist nothing more.

This information shows us that our selfaware part would not control thinking, and it also uncovers some other not so happy conclusions if the truth is we are organic programs nothing more than physical!

Really think about this. what does this say ..are people then responsible for their own actions?WHAT?!! OF COURSE THEY ARE!! you say defensively... ok . I mean if we would do what they are doing, if we had grown up in their bodies in their environment? every situation they lived, produced a type of thought by sight sound taste touch peer pressures  so on.. slowly building this person like a program into what they are today.
How can we punish someone for wrong doing when they are a victim and had no way of not turning into what they are? This line of thought can continue down so many different paths and situations. Are peers guilty or partly for not pressuring the right way this programed person?or are they all innocent as well with no control over their actions just an illusion of it?!! we have no real free will another illusion!

I do not believe people believe those lines of thought..I believe people believe we are more than just our environment our upbringing or what chemicals our bodies pump into us, why? because people believe they can change and be above what their lifes circumstances has thrown at them,

they believe in justice for crimes committed by others  because they know most people had a choice fully aware of right and wrong and could have said no instead of following through with the actions brought on by thoughts ..so i believe as well there is more than just a physical aspect .because if it is true we are programs and an aware section of mind was placed into another person and we would be them then how can we then judge a person for ANY crime they do because we would be exactly them if all the same circumstances and chemicals flowing through our bodies same neurons firing on their own ..i mean what if their neurons only fired bad thoughts at them all day and they got to choose from junk only?

extreme examples but just saying can happen and yet for some reason some people would do bad and others would not ..what credit is there to a person that overcomes anything at all it could be said you were lucky enough to have had all the factors inplace to allow you to do what you did no credit you went for a complicated ride basically  .. so no credit or judgment for anything anyone does good or bad.

Now that you get this part I hope you do lets add some strangness to this to show that programming physical only makes no sense really ..for instance what if they cloned that part of your mind made it precisely you ..and placed you in two people now what? do you see out of both heads ..or how about four ..gets crazy doesnt it. start to make you realize how disturbing things would get.

But,if all self aware was basically the same as the next then even if cloned and each of us had the same configuration of neurons to produce our "knowing we exist" sensation ,it would be like the example of the scientist that took out our awareness and copied it and placed it in all peoples heads ..plain english, this is nuts, we die and pop into who's mind and when or we see out of all minds everywhere before we die? NA thats rediculous .. so most likely we each have our own unique arragement of brain that produces this awareness but what of cloning if its just a unique configuration what about time that configuration will form again!? we pop our eyes open and we know we are awake no memories though.

if we are aware and have no soul and only the arrangement of brain matter programming and makes us know we are here this a ridiculous scenario still as you saw a taste of what could be above ..and that  could actually take place and is crazy, even on a smaller level it is still absurd!

Absurd or not ,isn't it  very possible if we die that this could be an outcome if no soul just programming basically? If the brain produces self awareness and its only physical, then at some point in time one of these things  could in deed happen.it could be copied, cloned, extracted, whatever naturally or unnaturally   making it possible that over time, at some point your self aware structure can come along again and the possibility of some weird type of afterlife without the previous memories, could be possible if there is no soul and no credit for goods no judgments for bads so this really does not make sense when this entire picture goes away with just one ingrediant it is easy to see a missing piece to this puzzle its a peice that does not behave like a physical peice  and it fits

to try to explain our minds thinking physically cannot be done without leading into those lines of thoughts the greater messes and getting worse to the point of losing all credit for anything good you do and not being able to feel someone is accountable for their crimes! losing all free will and choice we thought we had on and on .

 I will end this part by saying is the aware part  a program along with the rest of our bodies? YES but that is only half the truth! the whole truth is..the body is made to house the soul

..the soul sparks the neurons to fire like the author on a computer firing when he types on a key board ..these thoughts flow to the keys and it appears on the screen . the keys are like our minds if damaged the soul cannot properly communicate through it . same thing if the self aware part is damaged the soul cannot "see or feel its there through it"its really that simple so simple actually and it fits!

This answer takes away all the nonsense
this prevents replication of your awareness, this prevents immortality by cloning it transplanting  it clears up free will choice credit for doing well and punishment for doing wrong etc ..I find that if a simple answer clears up a ton of confusion even IF we do not like the answer its usually the right one!

Oh and those that may think, ya but that only pushes the problem back to the soul thinking .. yes it pushes it back to a part outside anything we can understand as physical and we cannot predict what a soul can do or not or if it even exists only in this time or out of time we do not know but we do know what we have heard all along about souls they are in us and now I show reason why they very well can be..

a soul looks and fits just right! this type of piece is what is needed to solve ALL the problems discussed not just one!

 thinking and taking credit for what we accomplish through hard times and where others fail we prevail not because we had some luck of circumstances we should get credit no soul truly means we deserve none yet we get it so credit and pride is wrong under these conditions and we should feel bad instead for a killer!

 ..how would it feel to have a loved one killed by someone and people saying well the killer only is doing what the environment and upbringing peer presure all of it made him that way he had no free will, its not really his fault if we were in him  we would do the same thing?! yet you may have gone through far more and pulled out wonderfully and should have credit but others would feel you deserve none!! ..

thats wrong on so many levels! we all know that instinctively so we are saying we know we are more then our circumstances ..I do not think if people reasoned deep enough what that means when they hold people responible for their own actions I think people would have no doubt about a soul existing.

One can believe no soul and have fun with that but remember not to be upset at anyone for doing anything wrong because with out soul they have been programmed by their environment and whatever they do you would have done exactly the same thing its all the dice roll how you would have been built by the enviroment to become whatever you are or would be.


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