Ok so I am diving a little bit into why the Catholic church has certain beliefs held ..one is Mary they call her the blessed virgin for one and the mother of God ..here is the wording used ..

 Mother of God

Mary's most fundamental privilege is that of being the Mother of God. We do not mean she produced the divine nature, of course. But her Son is God, so she is the Mother of God.

Ok..we start out on a premise that is a bit faulty .. Yes in a sense Jesus was God however he himself could not claim to be exactly God as he was also Man . This scripture should clear it up some Hebrews 2:9   But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.

My point is that when Mary was carrying Jesus in the womb he was formed in her womb to be a sacrifice worthy to take on the entire worlds sins. When Jesus body was transformed after his death this is where you can be more liberal with the "God" word.

So from the very start of their argument and want for this doctrine to be in place they just jump straight into he is God when Jesus himself obviously did not just out right call himself God because he was not exactly God at that moment ..God is omnipresent Jesus was not yet God still was which is why Jesus human side could still pray to God ..people do not get this point that God is not boxed in the scripture fact remains that God still is omnipresent even though inhabiting a Body ..not sure why this is so difficult an issue for some ..they believe God is every where and somehow cannot still be everywhere because he is in a Body lol ..

Pius XI quoted St. Thomas Aquinas with approval in saying that "From the fact that she is the Mother of God, she has a sort of infinite dignity from the infinite good that God is. (Lux veritatis, Dec. 25, 1931, citing St. Thomas, Summa Theologiae I. 25. 6. ad 4).

As much as we can respect saints they are still fallible and are not the Apostles which have the right to make scriptures for the edifying of the church and give rules ..later church leaders are to uphold these rules however it is a good indication that not all leaders have the ability to read the bible and understand the spirit behind some rules and use them as times begin to change ..instead they add new rules because it seems to work at that point...so, because the church began to run down hill which is shown by st augustine when he changed his mind about tormenting people to accept Christ or change from their way of thinking on to the "truth" by way of force..the Donatists got a good taste of that medicine they would not accept anyone into their church that denounced christ the catholic church did however one wonders how many of these catholics did not have an axe to grind when they are made to feel guilty for their rejection of their faith.

Simple examples of what the apostles did was preach those who accepted great those who did not they moved along ..no one forced a thing . If a church can be influenced into attacking others did not read of christ and this church did not follow christ ..I would say the donatists did follow him I do not have much on their doctrine but i would say their refusal to fold and their understanding of what it meant to not reject christ even up to death. 

Ever Virgin

So this was a virginal conception, that is, without the intervention of a man. Both Matthew and Luke make this clear. If we believe the Gospels, we will understand that readily. The teaching of the Church, already in the oldest creeds, which call her "ever-virgin," tells us she remained a virgin during and after His birth. Some have tried to say the teaching on her virginity was not physical, but just a way of expressing her holiness. But it is more than that: Vatican II (Lumen Gentium # 57) wrote that His birth "did not diminish, but consecrated her virginal integrity." That word "integrity" refers to physical condition.

Therefore when the Gospels speak of the "brothers and sisters" of Jesus, they do not mean other children of Mary. The Hebrew words were very broad, could cover any sort of relationship. For that matter, modern English uses these words even more broadly for members of fraternities and sororities.

YES she was a virgin when she conceived by the holy spirit ..and NO she did not remain a virgin ..it matters not if you can use brethren and sisters in some other way ..when you say "Jesus your Mother ( I will assume his actual mother of course!) and brothers You need to consider what is going on at the time to understand why these would be is actual brothers and of course his mom which no one would argue about it being his mother Mary ..he is talking to all those which would be considered close so to say brothers in this situation it would have to show a more close physical family and to use your mother then follow it up with brothers please ..talk about stretching a verse of scripture ..so..oh now i need to take this as not his brothers.. I am pretty certain this was the persons own opinion on it because as far as i knew is that the Catholic church held that these children was from a previous marriage of Joseph ..at least this does not insult ones intelligence ..however history has not shown this to be fact neither does the bible and I do not think joseph and mary never had sex ..or this is not a biblical marriage ..you have sex when you are married its you obligation as a woman and also as a man .. 

I would say a bit of commonsense should reign you into the truth however we are talking about angels holy spirit and virgin births here hahahaha but we are physical as well and have needs so i will stick to using commons sense where it is needed.



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