Ok so let me get this down here , Gravity is nothing more than space being dragged moved around and that space effecting objects of mass . The more mass the more space is disrupted in this way because more atoms vibrations causing space to be effected more energetically . NOW Magentic force is only a PIECE or particular vibrational frequency of what effects space ..its more of a particular focused part of what say earth does to drag space. .This is shown by the fact that a magnetic field can indeed float things that normally would not if that field is strong enough ..this is because there is though small a magneitc field in all matter ..so a strong enough magnet will lock onto that small frequency given off and be able to lift the object . ..again it is on type of energy and a magnet uses this one type of energy ..I am just tossing this down here so I do not forget ..and I am not wanting to write the several pages needed right now hahahah ..but this will bring back those memories connected to this ..so here it is shortened form 

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