This Page is an update ..I have 2 ideas and when information comes out this will clear them up ..The first relates to the bigbang theory ..I am doubtful this works as well as the Plasma theory which is my 2nd not choice but is 2nd in order of acceptance .. if small individual particles meaning no energies shared or shall i say no large amounts of energies shared throughout these particles (making one large multi moving particle appearing to look and behave like divided, individual particles)and if an atom truly is made of these particles and these do exist mostly individually , so that if you smash atoms together these particles actually do come out individually  , then I have to go with the plasma theory ..these pieces would still be  vibrational energies held together by space however individually housed in place by space.SO. if these scientists smashing atoms together are just finding energetic signatures of the particles they feel exists ,then they are cloud painting if it is one changing moving energetic particle posing in essence and scientists would find any energetic signature from a to z because the energy for any particle would be there because they are breaking pieces of of a larger part that gets stronger energies as you dig deeper ...however if particles of energy are assembled separately and this makes more sense which case it still does not effect my theory at all and what it does a matter a fact, it brings out a whole lot more of can dos lol .. then these packets of energy housed in layers of space and effecting each other ..then near the core is still affecting space and time ..and as the scientist have found out the mini black holes formed from smashing the atoms ..shows that black holes in space could be just like this and this means a star does NOT need to implode to form one but a packet of energies increasingly smaller ..till you reach the end so to speak this part would affect time even up to certain levels higher meaning larger meaning as we move from the smallest part of the atom to the largest ..


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