I was thinking one day and started realizing that all our thoughts are suppose to come from impulses in the brain neurons firing back and forth so I says hmm..so every thought we have is a series of impulses firing..

yet we choose what thoughts to say out of the many thoughts we have and this choosing is brought on by impulses we use to think to pick a thought..

if our subconscious mind picks and brings it to our conscious mind then it is using impulses to do this as well..I then was wondering how this is possible if we only have impulses that produce thoughts or choices of which thoughts to choose and say or think...

we obviously at some point would need to control electrical impulses through our minds .....you know ,the very thing  that produces our self awareness and our thoughts IE electrical impulses (unless self awareness is magically excluded). is being controlled by our thoughts ..which it is producing....hmm how lovely a seeming paradox is forming..

I would figure an electrical impulse does not have the ability to pick and choose which thought it produces ,SO it makes even more sense that we are controlling these electrical impulse producing thought...

.but this does not make any sense..lol.. because we have a paradox  if this is the case. Since we cannot choose to produce a thought without first having electrical impulses to allow a choice and a thought....How does one go about producing thoughts to then have neurons fire accidentally the correct order of those to chose from and us to speak.

Even if we take our surroundings and it helps triggers thought ..there is no guarantee what order the thoughts would fire in at, blue, case ,vase, me, jump, sit ..any of those words fail if someone said what you want to eat ..you can think steak but see a window and now you choose A. jump out the window and free fall grinning to your doom OR steak ..but you indeed make a choice to speak the words at this point too ..which means yup neurons need an advanced notice to fire and you speak.

So to solve this seeming paradox we join this feature with other strange things here on earth.. science does not like to use the word miracle because a physical thing took place...

however ,the true " miracle" is an unseen force that worked to produce the healing outcome of the physical producing a physical reaction to take place .
if our souls act just like these unknown forces that produce physical outcomes and the soul uses the physical I.E. electrical impulses to communicate with through our minds  then it begins to make sense .

our soul reacts on neurons they fire and we think and speak..

however if someone has brain damage the soul cannot communicate through the mind properly , again if other  influential  forces react on the physical to produce an outcome that would not of otherwise been possible, cases where someone is healed for no apparent reason..then the soul could very well be doing a similar thing.

This is not the only line of thought it is a small piece of a puzzle being built to "see" what makes the most sense and i use things discovered by the tools of science and will not subject myself to the closed book part of science that "no spiritual shall be allowed". That is not science in my opinion and I will not be held back by a belief! only by what makes sense with the physical evidences such as The tool called science has discovered  electrical impulses produce thoughts and now we try to see HOW and by NOT saying there case closed neurons fire wolla! ..

Now people can think "thoughts are arranged by sight sound touch feel" so on.as I hinted to above.so you look at something and get a thought or smell something ,touch something .. . but again as stated before ,it still does not in my opinion explain how we choose what thoughts to say or express why for instance our minds do not flood incoherently (as some may think mine is as I type these words out )

    I agree somewhat that all those things could influence a thought of course ,but why not look at an object and think pink whale? though I am sure that does indeed happen but we do not say that out loud ..usually... it does seem a bit odd to me that it does not happen with almost all things thought ..we need to weed out a bunch of off words and jumbled unstructured words, so on...I suppose in other words there really is no good way to conclude structured coherent thoughts will come from sight sound touch smell taste neurons firing and so on ..

my next line of thought on it (I know you just cannot wait!) is that our neurons fire and activate our minds as like an entity ,this activation produces certain parts of the brain to wake up and say we are alive ..ok lets take this trip shall we?
      now this alive state being run by neuron firing can actually control neurons to fire in a organized manner to produce coherent thinking and speech and sight sound touch taste adds to it..

this seems reasonable YAY WE DID IT ..nope .. not quite. For instance as we have this awareness organizing our thoughts to speak, IT  ITSELF being made up of the same stuff ,has to actually think what thoughts should be organized!
   Meaning it has to pick and choose from the same firing of neuron processes  to produce the thought, this cannot happen as it would have to think something by using neurons of course and worse it has to think it  before it is thought! which only makes this much more complex than it was lmao!

     those confused, we basically pushed back the problem 1 level deeper and made it even harder for us to have coherent thinking .
        ..I guess you get the point what this idea does is like saying aliens created us and what created them? so pushing this all back a step or possibly 2 doesn't solve the root problem it makes us waste time by having to say okay how does THIS new entity made by neurons firing actually pick and choose thoughts.. as we once again ponder the same question

BUT, I will attempt to keep our neuron made self aware person anyhow and I will connect to the next thought and we will see what makes sense in this next scenario soul or other and we shall look at it from a no soul perspective first as I have been attempting to do.(though a no soul feels a bit weak of a thought line I still need to work it either back in or all out.

With no soul and our minds thinking ,structured because of other physical unknowns ,we now conclude that self awareness is produced from only a structured grouping of neurons in the mind allowing us to "see" and be aware we exist in the physical plane (memories do not count as this part of the mind ,we are working with only the basic "we are aware" part) Now no soul means the mind has structured our neurons to produce our self awareness only, nothing more and we know we are awake. So from this no soul perspective we shall venture onward to other thoughts. 

 like a chess program though more complicated (I hope)  our mind is nothing more than firing (and misfiring) of electrical impulses producing our self aware and all other functions .. with this line of thought it can get a bit crazy ..for instance like a program it can be copied ..if our self aware portion of the  mind was copied say artificially or even in a natural way say with a person that has developed our exact neuron structure that produces our self awareness ..now what ..if we die do we sort of "wake up" in this persons head? without our memories of course but just the "I know I am awake" part? ..and
      will we do everything that person would do ...I think yes because no soul. (hopefully he will not like foods I did not like ..hmm i guess I would like it since i would be him in actuality right?

    Some may think "what does that self awareness have to do with mine" without understanding that it would be exactly you your self awareness  ..but let me explain what I mean a bit more so this scenario is about YOU.

In the future scientist now understand how to extract from your brain,the self aware portion of it and can actually transplant this into another human! They now transfer that other humans self aware portion into  ...wherever, who cares as long as you live! .. lets ponder what this would be like ..

we would have their memories and our self awareness with no previous memories of our own, we would only have their memories and they would have only ours if the scientists put his self-aware part in our minds without our permission  we will be suing if we find out! anyhow ....,we would both think we were each other ..but lets not talk of the other person, which would be inhabiting where our self awareness was.

Now what if this other persons memories are far different then our own were ?..what if they for instance they enjoyed things we hate or feel is wrong?
     here we are knowing we are awake and having memories like we are them and have been them since as far as we remember and all along? ..do we now continue to do the things they would ? we would have the memories of  doing everything that person did and pretty sure we would continue to be that person, because we would have their memories.
   We would also have the emotional drive for it and the chemicals that release from this drive and desire to do those same things  in our newly acquired body,it would seem that since all we know is "we are aware" and all we have are the desire to do things we would never have done had we been in our own minds, then I have to conclude we will continue on the way that this other person had been ..

we cannot think somehow there is some spark in us that screams no it is wrong, because no soul exists ..so it is not logical that if self aware is just "to know we are here"then it does not say what is right or wrong,nor does it feel emotions. by transferring self awareness between humans it would appear that no good change has been made nor can we change what we have been put into,there is no will to change our circumstances. 

Really think about this. what does this say ?..are people then responsible for their own actions? Think in advance here if no soul
      I mean if we would do what they are doing, if we had grown up in their bodies in their environment? every situation they lived produced a type of thought and it should and by situations, sight,sound, taste, touch, so on.. slowly building this person like a program into what they are today.

How can we punish someone for wrong doing when they are a victim and had no way of not turning into what they are? This line of thought can continue down so many different paths and situations. How can we think we would not be exactly them if we have their exact life and all situations tiny to large in their bodies their chemistry and brain make up ? We could no more stop doing or thinking things they would as we could control and fight doing what they would if our self awareness were put in their heads !

SO the above lines show that it would be totally insane we could not blame anyone of anything they are a victim of circumstance molded by environment and they had no choice or free will to fight it!

I do not believe peoplebelieve this above line of thought ..I believe people believe we are more than just our environment our upbringing what chemicals our bodies pump into us, why? because people believe they can change and be above what their lives circumstances and what it has thrown at them, they believe in justice for crimes committed by others  ..so i believe this as well and I believe people do not realize when they feel someone should be punished they are saying deep down you have a soul or else you have the options above and have NO right to punish anyone for anything! 

Ok so with those two or three lines of thought it begins to look more likely that more than just a physical thing is happening in us when it comes to thinking .. and as we keep going we will lead to the events of people world wide some having died of course and letting us know there is more after .. science has set itself against all spiritual things i would say they are using the tools that build science in the wrong way ..you need to gather all things to see if something possibly exists, not say that something does not exist and all physical oddities are "no proof" and even intelligent well upstanding peoples words do not count as evidence which should have been put as evidence to begin investigations and suggesting the existence of what we are trying to see exists..of course peoples words count it counts in courts when lives are at stake so to should they count when trying to see what fits the best with the known variables.

 NOW we move to lastly to add some things to this from humans of the world 

the thought examples above should be enough to convince even some of the harder people that a soul could be possible imo  so we can support the above with the added fact of peoples world wide having been shown to be clinically dead stating they were still aware,

one case in particular I find no flaw in at all a couple websites tried like crazy to debunk it but you you cannot change the time to fit your debunk and how did she see a tennis show outside unless she floated above it as she stated ..and they retrieved the shoe for hard evidence her case the name is    
Pam Reynolds   regardless of what science wants to use as an excuse or reason why it was some type of hallucination based on whatever chemicals are released .. 

   I would also like to state  when you enter a deep sleep as most will know, you cannot say what was going on in a room at the time, how much harder under anesthetics or passed out drunk is a good example and how much harder with no noticeable brain activity which I would be willing to bet places you in a deeper than usually drunk or deep sleep state " 

      you need brain activity for the chemicals to react on and you need enough brain activity  at least to be able to hear the sounds or see the room and then remember this and tell people what was going on in the room at the time ..

SO the so called debunking is not debunking ,not even close, its just so stories to try to force a physical explanation peg into a spiritual explanation hole .. If people are so aware in the state that scientists are fishing for straws people have had life support pulled with better brain activity directly because scientists at the start deemed that it is not possible for them to know they are there ..you cannot have it both ways!

YES option 3 here

 IF all self aware was basically the same and each of us had the same configuration of neurons to produce our knowing we exist sensation ,it would be like the example of the scientist that took out ourself own awareness and copied it and placed it in all peoples heads ..plain english, this is nuts, we die and pop into who's mind and when .. the truth is if we are aware and have no soul and only the arrangement of brain matter makes us know we are here well then. isn't it  very possible if we die that this could be an outcome?Remember if you believe no soul then you would have to believe that the brain produces self awareness then at some point in time it could in deed be copied cloned extracted whatever naturally or unnaturally   making it possible that.over time, at some point your self aware structure can come along again and the possibility of some weird type of afterlife without the previous memories, could be possible, even without a soul!

In short and soon to be udated ..

Romans 2:11

King James Version (KJV)

11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

How is God no respecter of persons yet gives more mercy here less there and so on?

God grants mercy evenly if a person who had allot of mercy was in the same position and place as one that had little he would then receive little because the one that received little could effect allot in Gods plan if you begin affecting with your free will his plan mercy time is over.. this is why old testament people had allot less mercy in the jewish community when it came to GOd because they were part of bringing the scriptures to pass leading up to Christ ..such as lot in Sodom and gamorah  lot had a son who went Moab I believe gets with ruth the great great ...grandmother of king david which leads to Christ ..it said that the sin in Sodom lot being a righteous man it vexed his very soul ..when sin reaches a point that it could start to act against Gods will then God will move to make it not because God also has a will ..

Questions arise from people about the death of Christ and the why God just didn't void sin without his need for blood shed ..calling God a blood thirsty God ..well lets analyze why God needed to use this method to void out sin ..God is PERFECT any thing that is done against God is not perfect and is a crime ie.sin ..a just God will need to have payment for this basically sin needs to be destroyed to never allow it to go against God ..However part of This perfection being God is not a robot ..is mercy and love these features want to forgive you however the feature of law and perfection has to have punishment for a crime and not a revenge punishment just one that fits what was done and what fits is death the removal of the wrong but even death only covers future sin what about the crime in the first place? does death fit the punishment ..yes it not only prevents future sin which would be a natural event after sinning it shows you will do it again you have your word saying I wont do it again ..ok good enough but now you need to pay for what was done ..and so death ..however again mercy and love needs to have forgiveness how on earth can this be done ? if a built in law in the nature of god says the wages of sin is death ..and yet god wants to give you a gift of eternal life because he loves you ..then God needs to make sin commit a sin lol how ironic hehe ..the sin that evil and sin ie the devil need to make Is to kill a perfect being the maker of all ..this would be a crime against itself ie sin would commit a crime against its own natural law ..as long as Christ remains perfect ..he did and was put to death .by sin and death took him without cause .. this is a breach in contract so to speak ..the natural outcome is Jesus being brought back to life to undo the wrong ..now a punishment against death and sin MUST BE for justice to be served this punishment is given into christs hand to judge sin out of whomsoever calls upon Christ the perfect sacrifice! Christ now has total power over sin and death instead of it having power over all of us ..we now claim Christs sacrifice and sin and death will be destroyed in us in the end when he takes our wretched bodies and has the right to transform us to a heavenly being!! this makes perfect sense and it fits perfectly with law of perfection and life..

Update new thought : some sites think souls are not immortal..using the very scripture that shows they are ..souls if left alone will live forever devil demons example .. now ..they use fear not him that can destroy the body and do nothing more but fear him that destroy both body and soul in hell ..well that seems to show body is separate and guess what lives on a soul ..and destroying could be like death a constant state of punishment .. either way other scriptures are linked showing awareness in hell so ya ..now person thinks soul dies in gods fire .but let me ask .. why worry about death if your soul dies? Those were afraid of simple death which is why do not worry about those that can kill the body but then after do no more ..these people seem to have not known what more was there ..back then most did not believe in an after life or a soul ..so next with fear him that can destroy both body and soul in hell fire  ..whats the difference .. death is death right so if a soul dies and die once who cares if you die another time i should fear someone that can what kill me one more time ..please ..na so its not meaning that and this destruction is forever a forever act of being destroyed .. so its seems ..idk but either they are wrong on this last point ..it shows a soul survives after death .. ie both body and soul .. and that it takes God to do the final act on the soul as first part scripture says fear not about the body right ? so immortal like god is different no one can kill god off .. ..


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