Ok for those of you that have gained some knowledge of what I believe is going on with space and motion ..will understand or maybe get that Gravity is NOT needed, we need no other type of energy  and scientists are adding math and this and that to make it work ..its not real not what they think it is at least. what they are making work and some of the math should apply to this , is how motion and again vibrational frequencies effect space on many levels ..so the earth is vibrating with all different frequencies pulling and tugging on space ..now the rate at which they say gravity falls or pulls at is actually the rate at which space falls at or is pulled at by a centrifugal type force from the earth ..noting more no gravitons needed just simple space being dragged passed us and pulling on our atoms which too are like the earths atoms and it is effecting the space within us and pulling or tugging naturally on that as well and we feel pull to the earth ..its really that basic and simple NO need for some other force to be at work!When an object is in space away from the influence of gravity we still use this word so we get what I mean .. the reason it floats in place is because of its own gravity ie its movement meaning all parts that can move and are moving causes this ..basic moving in every possible direction it remains still .. now if you could stop or slow down part of this movement evenly on one part it would propel through space most likely outcome .. lol 

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