there was this extremely hot dense "spot" where "everything" was, it was highly energized (motion) this "energy" actually made it be so "dense" because it was moving very fast and it moved and pushed in all directions as it did this space resisted it with as much "binding" force as motion gave off... making it extremely small and hot . as the energy slowed down its motion, space began to "loosen its grip" as the grip loosened
space began expanding as space expanded the the motion had more freedom to move and form within the space
in my theory space is a substance and in order for motion to move and have shape it needs space for its movements and to "encapsulate" it.

any way here is the basics.

over the past few years I have come up with enough ideas to finally conclude (at least to me ) the theory of everything.

Looking at it now, the Concept was simple

I realized an overall energy was there, motion and that everything lead to motion (all energy is motion all matter is motion in space)

and knowing that motion needed a "shell" to hold it all, it lead to space .

I realized without motion you have no time and I realized Gravity coming directly from motion as well

the concept was simple and fit the complex ..why do we see, hear, smell, walk on top of the ground, have trees, houses, space, stars, electricity, gravity, magnetism, atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, music, radio waves, infra red light, gamma rays, expansion of space time.. all of it is answered ,everything by motion, this motion forms its own various shapes by its movements, space encapsulates these movements.
it all fits in with this simple conclusion..

motion is why..motion through space produces everything.

all the things listed above and the thousands of other things not... are because each one is brought on by motion, be it vibrational wave, slow, fast, super fast spinning with vibrations, spinning vibrating and ...

well you can mix it all around and depending on rates of speed or vibrational spin any type of motion you can think of it will produce the different particle or particles, this motion through space (vibration is motion through space just a small amount of space, but motion through space) makes it all ..

space will bend and fold or other depending on the speed of the motion and directions,this gives the motion its shape and space "holding" its shape in place.

when atoms come together, space is folding for attraction ..

this is the basic concept and easy to understand my theory is called "the moving toe"

OK, what I have just said, means, we hold space motion ie spacetime in our hands, we can eat it, we wear it, feel it while swimming, feel it when we breath it in, all of it is just different levels of space and motion each energy moving and in such a way that it creates the specific type of energy... inside of space.

it is touchable ...a peanut butter sandwich, we taste because of the particular type of motion inside each moving part of the peanut butter sandwich and how this movement is translated by our minds which is also translating the taste by specific movements..specific movements held in place by space.

we see because of the very specific way a photon "moves" all through it, this movement is why a photon IS a photon... and our minds are able to communicate with it, by the way our minds "atoms" are moving,,,from deep inside, this movement is making it "our minds" atoms.. and produce a type of "harmony" with the photon and presto sight.

gravity comes along because of this spacefolding, deep inside the atoms to the outer and on and spacefolding by movement , gravity is a natural occurrence of spacefolding..

ok, here is where my theory takes us next... picture our free will, our choices we make.
if we are all motion and "all" motion was set to run exactly in a specific way, our thoughts being a type of motion as well, we would run in exactly a specific way IE no freedom to resist the motion of the thoughts or the motion of our actions....this is where I present to you Chaos ..with Chaotic movement present as well, this allows us choices.. good or bad, the ability to create , reject, choose to move from our original objective...this is the very "point" of Chaos, as I understand it within my theory. Oh, and we structure this chaotic motion once we choose a certain way to move and think with still plenty of more chaotic motions to "structure" into a coherent motion

This theory also reveals how a photon is propelled through space and at what speed space is allowing time/motion to flow at..

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