There is a problem and a serious one in the Christian community and its teaching. The teaching is the opposite of how it truly is. A skim of what this is as follows.. Christians think they know who is hell bound by the fact that they think someone that does not believe in Christ = hellbound . NO this is not accurate nor biblical. this is the way it truly is ..the christian that willfully sins is the one endangered of going to hell. as it is written all manner of sin is forgiven unto man except blasphemy of the holyghost what does that mean ..there is so much talk about it ..from "if you did it you would not worry so therefor you did not do it" to literal oh you said holyshit ....ok lets be clear ..why is denying christ also unforgivable ..if you deny me before man i will deny you before the father now some say that means to not believe but that is wrong again it means to deny his power what is his power the holyspirit how do we deny this before man .to sin willfully and think that christ will just forgive like this is why he died so that you could sin however much you feel like thats the true denial ..(have we not cast out demons in your name ..depart from me you evil doers for i never knew you ..understand the underlying fact as to why this is said to them .they obvioulsy believed jesus was real and did not deny him why are they denied?..hmm thats unforgiven ..ok then there is if you willfully sin there is therefor no further sacrifice for this what are the keys ..well to deny the son is not saying i do not accept it is actually to accept and continue in willful sins as it denys him unto man ..making his name and sacrifice meaningless also blasphemes his power ie the holy spirit because you go against his power to remove sin and use it to boaster it up saying he will forgive so i will do it..understand that it says clearly that once you have tasted of the christ to then return to what you were and reject christ you are in a worse state then before so? if you were going to hell before how can going to hell again be worse ..because you may NOT have been going to hell before because your sinning was done from lack of knowledge ..i will give all scriptures and everything to back up these points just tossing this online so i dont forget i am saying blasphemy of the holyspirit and willfully sinning are interconnected along with deny christ before man willfully sinning before man and saying its fine as if christs power is so you can sin when it is instead so you DO NOT sin!  Let me be clear of the willful sins that would lead you to hell ..these are the sins the church would excommunicate you over not others you would take a heavenly spanking over ..there is a significant difference and a difference in spirit. Anyhow I have not put it all down but I will say that the christian who willfully sins and does not care about christ is the one that seems to be more endanger of disaster ..


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