Some Churches mainly of Baptist the church I belong to they say once saved Always saved . I do agree HOWEVER once saved is known by reflection of scripture onto YOUR salvation which you yourself has then you can decide is it real or is it a lie you are living and need to pray and continue to ask God for his saving grace? See once saved always saved cannot be we accept christ say we are sinners ask for forgiveness and then live like hell on earth this does NOT reflect a saving grace living that way reflects and drops US directly onto Hebrews ..a very scripture that these same churches try to state means paul is saying what other sacrifice exists to be saved by no .. this is NOT what it is being said and we can break this down very easily to expose that lie put in by satan so to lull you asleep in sinful comfort until you wak up in hell! 

    here we break this down . Hebrews 10-26 -31  26 For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

 ( okay this is pretty simple to follow, if we sin Willfully after the knowledge of the truth has been received ..what knowledge ? of what truth? if we look at it both ways that one way is Jesus died for our sins and the truth he forgives us ..OR this way that  It shows  the realization that what we did and do is Sin and we must not do it we must repent of it . IF we then knowing and do NOT repent but do it anyhow due to our stubborn resisting, rejecting the holy spirits conviction, well  there is NO MORE sacrifice for this type of sin!  this makes sense with what comes next. )

28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

(why is this stated ..well if you reject Jesus Christ sacrifice by repenting and refusing to NOT sin a sin you KNOW is one then you are like those that despised the law of moses and DIED WITHOUT MERCY! okay lets continue .. do notice it seems to be pointing to knowing a particular willful sin not just a general salvation and what other one is there for sin as has been stated by baptist churches.)

29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

See it getting much more clear now ? It is stating those that do this type of sin it states this type of person for some sin he willfully commits  this would be HIS/HER  particular  personal type of sin, and one that had ALREADY been sanctified is a big point!  they shall be thought worthy a MUCH sorer punishment and are thought of as one that trodded under foot the son of god and has counted the blood of the covenant which was to sanctify them an UNHOLY THING ..

this is blasphemy, remember when Jesus said you are close to blapheming the holy spirit? well they had not done nor could they since they were not in a position too as this type of Christian was!  That because Christ had not yet DIED and they could not yet call his sacrifice UNHOLY they called him evil even his works evil .. So no the ones that can do the unforgivable sin is the CHRISTIAN! and the blaspheme is not clarified since each person has their own type to deal and their hearts will be exposed as the Judas type OR as say the John type ..

so this person is in a position to  blaspheme the spirit of grace IE THE HOLY SPIRIT what other grace is there what power this is the entire point of the sacrifice this is the very power of the sacrifice and this Christian BLASPHEMED it!   so  their blasphemy and sin is unto the spirit of grace!! its against the very power that saves them it negates that very sacrifice and cannot be forgiving because yes WHAT OTHER SACRIFICE REMAINS ..NONE for this type of sin!! 
understand this its not just the sin of a once and out its a lifestyle sin that you will be stuck in and be destroyed by .. it lines up with there is a sin unto death I would you not pray for it ..why not pray ...BECAUSE ITS UNFORGIVABLE! John never states this type of sin as being simply physical death BUT as one that is spiritual death get it ??

even then baptist church believes these types of people were fake christians no they were not fake scarily they are real christians  they blasphemed the holy ghost and there punishment awaits them ..they are as the demons who believe and yet tremble with fear .. they too await the fiery indignation of GOD . 

 as these types of sins that can get you removed from church type  Adultery fornication homosexuality . these types as spoken of elsewhere . 

30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.

Further showing where these people are to GOD ..they are placed under a god that recompenses under the lord of vengeance you have become his enemy as stated last scripture how fearful a thing it is to fall into the HANDS of the living God . why is that fearful if when you see him you are saved ..perhaps this sin shows him who his enemy is perhaps you have become they JUDAS understand this ..

 work out your own salvation with fear and trembling I recommend heavily if you are in this situation NEVER sin the sin you know is THIS type of sin because you will blaspheme and fall into the wrath of God when he comes to judge the world by FIRE 

31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

THis is serious and many people have fallen and believe they are still okay . now how do we know who blasphemed the holy spirit as this must be since its said that ALL sin will be forgiven EXCEPT ONE ..and it makes sense why its not specified further other than blasphemy against the holy spirit ..and what verse do we see where a sin is not forgiven where it shows we spit on Christ and the SPIRIT of grace ..well here . SO how do we know who blasphemed this way .. we can now reflect hebrews and our salvation and with fear and trembling .. are you married to someone you aught not to be? DIVORCE make it right . Are you living a homosexual lifestyle .. END IT!! are you a drunk a druggard and are not trying to quit begging repenting simply accepted your fate .. well REPENT FOR REAON  or die the death!!! simple as that! and this is not hard to understand! 


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