God, You are our maker and I am sorry how i talk to you ..my yelling and the names that you could have killed me for long ago ..this temper I have please forgive me. Jesus my savior I owe you for the good times that have been in my life ..I have yet to find a way to say the same for the bad ..I only hope that some greater good has come from it. 

  In the beginning God created .. if God creates this new creation is less then him .he has the right to remove it on a whim. this may be tuff to understand being a self aware being . knowing our place we should thank him for giving us the small amount of time he allowed us to live on this earth...now I am not so much talking about the time we lived on a fallen earth ..as most know it is punishment ..but there is still good here and that is a true blessing. we as a people can make this place so much better if we do what we are suppose to do..if we simply do not steal murder lie cheat so on..if we people did not do those things  this would be a much better place you can be poor and not steal or rob and  not seek revenge ..and you can be rich and not steal from people or give shady and down right dishonest bad deals so on...NOW replace stealing with giving ..replace murder with saving a life ..replace cheating with fidelity and better treatment of your other half..understand the world would be a place one would want to be born into.

    Stop blaming God almighty for mistakes and willful acts of people  on God  ..( I am guilty of this as well sigh) remember when someone murders. rapes, destroys. those people are accountable for their own actions. or why punish them? Updated: As i stated God said the wages of sin is death ..based on his nature not his wants ..his wants is to save ..IF this is the truth ...well that very nature has to be fulfilled or God sins against himself if he does what he knows he should not.. so as some wars are needed to bring the line to christ ..so too are some judgements needed to fulfill what punishments should be.. I think we tend to to look at Omnipotent God and All powerful ..as having ultimate freedom to do what they want to when they want to ..such as calling us sinning as good and our good as bad ... this is not true at all .. he is mainly all powerful morally and in the perfectly moral sense FIRST .. so when he punishes you can bet he had NO CHOICE but to fulfill what his nature required .. The sacrifice of his son also freed the part that wants to save in him this may sound strange ..but it seems to fit ..this still makes him all powerful in that HE found the way to erase what we did wrong ..although we can say he knew this before creation ..but its funny how creation would put a struggle in himself.

  All those who complain of the crimes of the world ..think with the mind of a child ..would a child want to be protected ..yes ..it is in them to want this and it is in us to want to do this ..this is a great thing. Darwinism should never apply to the higher thinking beings ..we humans ..we understand to save the weak,we empathize with those in a fire and would rush in at our own peril to save even an unknown person from certain death ..WHY? because we love ..we understand the fear pain mental torment this person must be feeling ..or an old lady trying to cross the street having a hard time ..the right thing to do is help and we all know this ..the weaker they are the more we should nurture ..them.. 

However we seem to take a back seat when we talk of abortion .afraid of the repercussions of stating what we believe or not ..this life in the womb is to be the most sacred it is housed in protection it is kept safe in the mother ..yet when a baby is ripped out of the womb by an adversary I am not speaking abortion in this instance but a predator worthy of death for an action like this ..now,the poor mother cannot even get justice for her baby! This mother believed and knows that her baby is a life a human and yet the law allowed a murder to take place and that is exactly what I knew would happen with this abortion rights calling a baby not a life..just a blob of cells ..

 we should overly protect the sanctity of the child but this will not happen ..people feel that a child should not be born because their  life would be worse then death or the parent cannot provide or others would have to pay for the child ..selfish greedy people ..I hope you understand that there are very well to do people out there that could feel the same way about most of us! gees I would never have a child if I could not afford college or If I could not get them their own car later or ..or ..

at what point of poverty is a child worth having ..at what price do we give the unborn children their GOD given rights! ..only at a point in time when they are deemed by the higher powers to be a child?! when the sperm and egg meet the entire blueprint of that child is in place before any digit is even formed .. this is a person ..its simple logic yet apparently not simple enough for most. huh? 

 keep your laws ..and when you WOMEN finally want a child I hope that someone does not kick or kill your unborn in your womb ..you have no justice no right  to call your child a human that was murdered!

  We take care of the weak except for unborn with a long optimistic future ahead of them, Some people wonder why God allows so much pain and suffering …most times you get an answer that suffering leads to a better you ..(basically) tho this can be true I believe suffering leads you to believe and understand which God truly exists ..if you believe in a God and think for one moment that he/she is an all loving only God ..I wud look around at nature and people and say its a God of more than love, one that matches the old testament God that repays mankind for sin which allows all this pain and suffering! all other gods allowing for this type of misery is a sinic  in my opinion ..punishment is what it feels like and punishment is what it is

I feel like crap this question .. If God judged Parents back in the OT for their Children such as i forget the names but basically this persons sons did wrong in gods temple and the father did not correct them harshly enough God judges him on for their sins ..and the family line for the future with short lives .. well i have to say going by bad parenting I would say GOD was the worst fuck up of a parent you can get since his parenting skills allowed for all this mess ..allowed for adam and eve to fall and present us with BULLSHITTERY daily . How can he not take that blame and punish himself if he can blame an imperfect human for not parenting properly that allowed sin in the temple? Then again I suppose he did judge them cast them out .. and thats what the dad should have done to his sons..so there we go.So I suppose what was judged was the judgement used for the crimes of his children .. not getting into the punish down to the 5th generation stuff ..its probably how long he knows that sin remains in that line ..who knows ..ill dig into that after ..too many other questions ..and Ill tell you it sux feeling like total shit everyday and no one to blame ..posting on a site no one will read because i dont really want that either half the stuff on here probably has holes or not . who knows . I did not put all the information down .not sure if i even put gravity is not real down ..not meaning we do not get pulled to the earth but a force ..and the forces name is gravity just the whole way we do is misdiagnosed (odd word to use for  spacetime thats more a DRs word hahaha . i know iim tired give me a break means basically the same thing lol) 

its like this if im correct then all this movement it creates vacuum and of course it wants to be filled and can by so we get pulled more like that and on every atom we are and is in material .because spacetime is us .. and it pulls on ..and that would mean we have gravity inside us as well a small amount ..again thats correct as we also pull things to us on a very small level ..with all the info i left you this fukn bloggery would be ten times the size and truthfully as much as I say i dont put all the connect the dots down because i dont want shit stolen without me proving i came up with the idea its more that too much i think too much and to write all that fuckn shit down omg no . no and no. but whats here is enough to make me remember it all .. and im not dumb I suck hard at english always have ..not sure why .. but I did actual iq testing and scored genius .and did a test scored 165 on alpha iq site  ya i know its online ..but what ev .. either way i would be top place and dudes there state its accurate compared to their real life tests ..so theirs that ..but they did not update their damn page to place me on top ..smh .. guess they want neurosergions so on ..not a barely litterate chess playing disabled from brain bullshit . on their site .. 


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