I know,these are bad and deadly..but let me show another angle..they are necessary products results of nature not being up to "very good" these happen as a readjustment of the natural flow that should be ..take an earthquake . plates move and shift to adjust to other" movements"  if things did not readjust it would build and build until the earth quake destroyed much much more ..same with hurricanes something would have to give eventually somewhere to realign and would be far worse later.. NOW if anything is man made for instance bombs placed on fault lines to create an earth quake ..(im sure no one has attempted this yet) would this create a run on and need of adjustment later? ..or would it creat a smaller quake earlier preventing a larger one later? ..sorta like setting a fire in a dry spot and letting it burn and putting it out early ..could prevent a large fire that is uncontrolled later ..Im not sure ..this is only a passing thought here that i will ponder about later ..but wanted it on "paper" so as not to forget hahaha...


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