Deep in a dark place that has yet to be lit lay an anger a rage unmoved by words not swayed by reasons no explanations are good enough . You have brought me into being and now my time, limited the only Truth is death ..the only reason is NOTHING  there is no point ..there is not truth, no string of words to quench this fire in me. 
   I am a victim born as one raised as one ..shall also Die as one?  My mind seeks revenge against a power far greater than mankind shall ever know . How can you get revenge on something like this .. I could fill myself with all the power of the universe and strike out with one shot and it would be less than useless .

Shall I simply just accept my fate? just give up ..I will NEVER if there truly is absolute right absolute Justice ..there must be words to cure me ..their must be an action that will set me free. I am in misery burdened with helplessness .surrounded by death of many! by one fault did this come and yet by one action is this fault not truly erased!  This is unjust one MUST BE one!  a balance!!

 but still there is a bill that needs to be paid?? ..we did NOTHING to gain this misery we should do NOTHING to gain the freedom from it!!W! OR it is unjust imbalanced ! And i continually rage against all things against this FAKE EXISTENCE!  ..
till a balance comes or justice is served! My shot?? I will take and but one try am I allowed!!  I focus!! understanding in the mind each atom filled with the power of a black hole, all atoms have this power ..

time I OWN!!!!  THIS  is in MY mind ...line them up ..and open up a hole!! burrow in deep and expand with your fury with your pain TEAR OPEN the dark door ..the forbidden way ..and RELEASE the  creatures from their dungeons ..fill up the light with the dark ..and bring into being a justice that has never been known!!!!!! MY REVENGE WILL BE!! MY MIGHT WILL SET IT FREE!!

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