Ok I will now string together some ideas To help back up what is being said about time and space plus I will put these time ideas based on what I believe is the same type of distortions usually different types of distortion is due to space being compressed or stretched so to speak and the conclusions about "gravity"  

Time: something unusual about time ..like 1 second can take forever, mathematics shows that it truly can ..now those that think time is a mere concept I would like to show you numerous ways that this "concept" can also produce real physical affects . and that for any distant it still takes person A and Person B to cross this distance and if one does it faster than the other ..this being faster shows up as PHYSICAL, he arrives first ..this alone shows that he spent less of what you may call a concept ..time.. Now when there is distance then there is distance that needs to be covered creating time to cover that distance.distance is space and time is needed to cover it . we of course need movement to cover this distance and that rate of motion means we arrive faster or slower . 

  below can be said about the 1 second as well infinite yet not .

DISTANCE: we are going for a walk we are going to be placing a starting line. you want it at a foot from the wall I want it at half a foot ..and argument ensues you now want it to start at a third of a foot ..I want half of that ..we argue through days weeks months halving it until we both agree we will start at absolute beginning ..and we realize the math keeps going on and on so we need to "gift" this problem to our children so on and on ..

there are truly that many numbers to cover to reach where we are standing ..were we stand would indeed equal 1 and however we need to step to number 2 so we cover (infinity  1) and then (1 infinity 2) so on ..yet we now no 1 or 2 can come because of infinity in between this pair of numbers ..this is as real as our noses. yet we cross these distances every day ..and time can be broken among all those numbers because distance is always there ..this also shows this to be true .for every dot on a distance there is also a piece of time that it takes to cross the dot. both are true ..I intend to take you on a mind journey that shows that this math is actually true that we can show that the distance is infinite and so is the amount of time it would take to cross those distances . so as some would think because we cross these inches feet yard every day that the math is mistaken basically falls short ..this should show that the math is true .

First  I showed how shrinking can produce time distortion by taking us to a thinner area of space ..shrinking down to the point that a hand of a person is as large as the sun and we also are at the same distant from their hand as we were from the sun when we were larger. We notice that their hand moves at well probably much slower than what the sun looks like moving across the sky ..and stating about how  many thoughts we would have compared to them ..if we thought for the whole time they moved their hands to their head to say scratch an itch ..it will be fairly simple to show how small we need to shrink to see these affects ..pretending our measuring tape shrinks with us we can use that and the distance from the sun to measure how small we should be.. again tiny particles are very fast ..and I am showing it is because of the area of space they are in ..the thicker like a black hole the slower they look ..

Next I will put this thought ..see we can get the same affect without shrinking .through thought ..at about 35000 to 40000 times our thought rate meaning everything pondering imagining ..all of it ..they will be as slow to us as the sun going across the sky is .. if we say it takes 1 second to reach the head to scratch ..then we have a reference we can use .. SO we see that we can distort time the same way through thought as through shrinking .

Next we can show a small example that can be done in real life not just thought experiment ..take a fan ceiling fan or regular now as it spins and we see it all like one piece not separate fins if we follow with our eyes going with the spin the fins become see-able even if we move our eyes around it seems to slow the fan down ..but what it is ..we are now at a higher speed of motion from the eyes . Now this next one will make you think a bit ..instead of going with the spin we go against it ..and common sense may say ..it will make it look like the speed is increased ..however it will still slow it to us ..because we are still increased our speed . by eye movement ..its still something in motion ..  

Now since we see movement seems to slow down to us the object what about if we vibrated instead ..can this actually make things look slower to us? If so how fast will we need to turn up the vibrations to equal say what we see with the fins of the fan? Well let me start by saying I do not recommend say duct taping an orbital or a couple of them to your head ..think baby shaking syndrome but for adults ..(ya I thought of doing it ..i figure whats the worst that could happen?) So I have not attempted this ..lets assume that it will work and ponder what happens and remove the headache altogether .

I am uncertain what rate of vibrational speed equals a doubling of say speed ..now can we vibrate fast enough to make the fins of the fan look like its going slow ..I SO want to try this haha ..but ya DONT this is when you brain is suicidal only you do not know it! I will move along and come back to this idea later!

we will say all these different ways that distort time to us most likely affects space the same way . where as a black hole affects it differently since we slow down in there ..when someone else looks at us. 

Cold ..will effect Time . the absence of all heat IE motion means nothing is there ..so to freeze something to the point all motion stopped . there really is no doubt ..a simple test to confirm this is use of a refrigerator or freezer . This really does slow down how fast vegetables and other foods go bad. maybe not the greatest example of suspending time but we do the best we can ..another point ..take suspended animation if can ever be used ..you get put to sleep body cooled and wake up a century later ..motion being slowed to a crawl in your body really does do something to time . again frozen animals from centuries ago  preserved because the decaying process is slowed down . 

Im not asking you to agree with everything .  some will interest you others may not .I am only putting down as many examples as I could think up . 


You are hungry you order a pizza ..you eat a bite and all of a sudden you are as large as the planet u take another bite and you are as large as the solar system and yup again this time you are the entire size of the universe ..a small light near your stomach appears ..faint but its there ...u realize you do not have to worry about living a long time as the light is the birth of another universe, things will live and die faster than you can blink ..as you are 30 trillion light years across and will take a long time for light to reach the end of you ...you also notice that your weight never mattered at all or the thing science calls gravity simply you occupying that much space at once distorted time .

Black hole

If we are near the event horizon of a black hole time can be stopped as is shown by scientific research. IF someone was to see you there you would NOT be moving yet to you you would be and to you they would age and die before you even blinked your eyes! to different frames of time references ..yet the same conclusions can be seen . In a black hole the 1 second is indeed eternal and outside the black hole the one second is NOT eternal .. in both cases there is an energy present the energy in the black hole forces all energy into a compressed compartment..ie compressing space and even trapping light . 
       While outside of it we have our fast dying friend with far less energy no compressed space time whizzing on by or is that BYe LOL .. so remember this situation and understand that it is starting to look like time is more a physical reality such as distance is indeed a physical reality and both can be effected by specific types of energies!

LIGHT SPEED: the more familiar form of time distortion is traveling at light speed. NOW there is math worked out that if one were to be able to attain very near to or light speed that distance is equal to 0 which would mean for us we arrive instantly and yes this seems correct taking some of the thought experiments we did they do indeed point to this conclusion  
lets look at it by adding some factors into the thought experiments we did. first way we take our friendly thought traveler, increasing his thinking speed to stop seeing people moving ..we walk for 50 yards and starve to death because of the food requirements needed to maintain this level of thought ..

   we quickly fall from thought speed and a person sees us appear there instantly ..our watch would say from point a to b was 0 time used.. now we indeed did travel at what could be seen as light speed through thought  . and no we would not be in our heads thinking really fast and feeling frozen because our bodies cannot move as quick ..our entire body is indeed taken within this time distortion ..as I next show why this must be the case. but either way I hope you understand that the time it would take to cover a distance is 0 ..in that scenario. and matches the 0 at traveling light speed.

Black hole Revisited: ok we are now back to the black hole to investigate the different energy and new powers we have!
  we have our really fast dying friend back again ..he is not understanding our sadistic experiments with him dying so fast ..but its ok .. So now to appease our friend in this energy environment we turn up our thinking speed ..remembering our friend is moving at near light speeds compared to us stopped at no time ..we cannot even see our friends movements until we speed up our thinking aahh there he is ..we continue to think faster and faster until we see him moving normally and our times match ..now what just happened here? Did thought energy just counteract the black holes time distortion effect? 

Hold that thought ..understand with our earlier thought experiment how if you grow as large as the universe it would take trillions of years for light to reach the end of you? well in a black hole it compresses all of that space into a small area ..I am not saying it compressed all 30 trillion light years worth of space but lets say it took in a million light years of space and put it into a ten foot distance to us ..

ok so  ..see if we attempted to walk for this ten feet it would take us however long it would take to walk the million light years worth of distance ..but to us it takes whatever ten ft would take ..but to our onlooker it would indeed take till the ends of the worlds.. so we have not cheated distance not truly .. understanding it is truly actual physical things happening not just concepts and time is actually being manipulated by the physical changes.

VIDEO:you have a video recorder it can shoot at 1 trillion frames per second ..you film a lady bug it moves for one inch..you have collected 30 trillion gigs of data in that short video ..you decide to play it in an older cam 15 frames per second you play the entire film takes you a year to watch this painfully slow video...but whats cool is that a new recorder with 1 million times the speed of the one that filmed the event will record the same incident this can go on for infinity scientists concluded there is no breaks in time so..for every movement is an eternity..


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