Very interesting if it turns out true this is pretty fascinating . So i placed it on here as to not forget and then as usual try to add to it or whatever .. 

There's a mathematical algorithm called STFT (Short Time Fourie Transform) that enables one to get the frequencies of sound-waves of a recording (a .wav file), and their magnitudes, per time interval.

I ran this algorithm on the recordings of the names of Hebrew letters (Alef, Beth, etc).

Then I plotted a graph of the magnitudes of frequencies according to the time interval (Y is the frequencies, X is the time).

Then, using some very basic filtering, one can see that there are many recognizable shapes in each graph. What's special about those shapes is that in recordings of the word Alef, the shapes look like א, which is the shape of the Hebrew letter that is named Alef. Same goes for all the Hebrew letters.

Actually, any word in Hebrew creates shapes of a specific letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which makes the whole alphabet really special, as it conforms to the soundwaves of the words of the language. In addition, it is special that there's a complete match between the names of the letters and their shapes.

This is a copy paste of the description of the video:

1. There is a match between the names of Hebrew letters and their shapes in the frequencies graph of the soundwaves of the names.

2. The match could not be accidental because its probability is ridiculously low (much lower than 10^-25).

3. Which means that the one who matched the names of the Hebrew letters to their shapes knew how the frequencies graph of the soundwaves of the names looks like.

3. People, until recently, did not have computers.

4. Without a computer it is impossible to know how the frequencies graph of the soundwaves of the names of the Hebrew letters looks like.

5. So no person could make this match.

6. Under the assumption that either a person or God made the match between the names and the shapes of the Hebrew letters, this proves that God made the match, which proves that God exists of course.

7. People know about that match.

8. This proves that God told people about the names of the letters or about their shapes (or both). 

9. Which proves the existence of prophecy - there had to be at least one prophet that heard about the names or shapes of the Hebrew letters (or both) from God .

10. This kills atheism.

This is of course just a summary. The rest is found in the video itself :) this is open source the person gives to prove there was no tinkering around with this code . If this all proves true it helps to build a case for their being mininum some other intelligence that our language was founded on I do not see how language originated first and forced those images to appear .it makes far more since that hebrew language was formed around how sound of it appears ..which makes this a bit wow .in my mind at least hehe 

OKAY I presented a rebuttal to which I received no reply which is annoying to me making me feel emotional people want their to be NO OTHER explanation except God ..I am sorry but the above has an answer and a logical one!

I have come up with a reason for this, if it is true and one that makes sense naturally this reason is what I blogged on the christian website where this was posted as some way that it refutes atheism..

it does not and I do not want a weak argument being placed up only to be shot down by someone and it makes the argument look silly 
I conclude this is NOT a funny coincidence though,It would take around 27 "funny coincidences just for starters "and all totaling the entire alphabet of a language. all adding up to a rather large point or intent.

 Since I do feel I can not call it coincidence, NOR can I think aliens or God on this one. If I were to Take this as fact (not sure if it is fact) then if fact, I feel it therefore has an explanation.

 here is my basic thoughts on what I feel could be  an adequate explanation without conjuring a deity or visits from aliens. 

We are a very creative species and we use sound waves all the time for speaking  listening to music. creating music ETC.. we are sound dependent,  we even have a few blind people that can produce images of their surrounding environment in a similar way bats

This is a fact and can be checked by anyone that does not believe this ,moving on. they can do this and have proven they can by walking with no guide at all  and one even road a bike lol 
 Deep in our minds we understand in some small or some of us ,even large way how what we spoke/speak looked like image wise. 

If you have people tuned in to this part and they hear the letter or word, perhaps an image could indeed appear much like echo relocation or sonar if you will ,in their mind and even though they may not exactly understand why they know, they just know what it looks like and can draw it how this should appear on paper and thus how we end up in this conversation. 

AGAIN though this is a really cool finding if true :) I will conclude however IF the symbol was writ first before it was ever pronounced for someone to hear it ..OK I will go with God then :) highly highly unlikely that happened though hehe..


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