I realized .wrongly or rightly that how fast we move through time has similar effects as  if we are tiny or large..If light travels instantly or shall i say if we traveled instantly to anywhere in the universe because we are traveling at light speed then we really are not moving we are already there and have caught up with time and motion since we technically do not need to move because we are already there ..as we slow down  the universe expands as this happens things appear to move when they did not appear that way before this shows me also that we do not need to move to travel but if we could vibrate to light speed we would also catch up to time space light ie the universe would shrink to us and we would be there..but..as we continue to slow more and more this expansion appears to speed up faster to us..now if it truly was expanding as is thought then why would my speeding up to light speed again be able to catch up and still be instantly anywhere in the universe ..unless the expanse that we believe is happening is not it is the illusion of time ..as we slow it appears that the universe is moving alog ..but really if light is traveling and we were on the light beam then bu theory we would to us be able to be anywhere instantly so taking this concept into our time frame the light we see coming from billions of miles away has to itself not really traveled ..it runs on the instant time line we do not so we see it coming from so far and so long as if we are tiny very tiny but if we were really really large that we took up the entire universe now its like we are everywhere all at once like light speed and instant travel ..not sure where I am going with this or what i need to take out but putting it here so i dont forge lol..

ok here is a thought ..with motion or speed of movement ..and speed of thought ..if u move or think fast enough that a person appears frozen and you slowly think slower and slower now it looks like the person is getting faster and faster until we are at the same rate of speed ..this cud be qhy to us the expanse seems to be speeding up we look at a large expanse and are now seeing it moving faster by iur refrence frame just a thought

Okay this should take care a few birds with one stone basically this one idea will help me remember a few of them
 time is physical as space is also and of course movement as well

after some thinking a while back, I came to the conclusion that time and motion can move faster but the limit is set on this by space, space only allows for motion to move as fast as space can be moved through, too much speed causes resistance by space..

if we are moving at a rate of speed to move along in time in order to distort time I think it best to use the least amount of energy  obviously..unless this least amount of energy is deadly :) now at light speed we have stopped time but to get to light speed is difficult at this time ..why? we need to move fast enough to catch moving time to neutralize it..
what if we just stayed in place wouldn't this be the easiest way rather than trying to catch time we try to not go with it ,,one method I see is the cold if absolute zero represents lightspeed say only the opposite

it is shown we can reach close to absolute zero and yet we are no where near the ability to reach lightspeed (so they say lol) though the energy to slow something down enough to effect time seems to be much less needed ..this one thought experiment is one example on it, another one is

if we only tripled our thought processes we would be feeling every second pass by 3 times as slow   our watch would look 3 times slower don't believe this keep on increasing thought speed now we are at 1million thoughts per second and we feel no different just thinking what seems normal and we look at our watch and wonder why the hell it broke, but it has not the second has not moved and we keep thinking and pondering away and still has not moved ..well hopefully you get the point ..so this is another example of staying back in time .

and another odd way is by shrinking yourself, as we shrink we lose space (ie size) so we allow space to expand around us and we shrink as we shrink the same effect should happen with our watch why because picture stating to see the subatomic particles that move rather quickly if they are you size now you are moving rather quickly as well now if someone large like a human thought I am going to scratch my nose as they thought this, their arm is moving at the same time and you look they are moving very very slow why? because.you are able to see all the movements of the little objects particles electrons protons.

this persons arm should seem to be moving very very slow to you and it is taking a god awful long time for them to scratch their nose

I mean you can scratch your nose 1000 times to their 1 now imagine as I said they are thinking at the same time as their arm is moving to scratch their nose..how many thoughts do you think you thought of since they move so slow ? so not only is time altered and is evident by the fact that thought has sped up for us as well.

I figure if you understand what I am saying then now you will see my point about shrinking and how it relates to thinking and futher points to a moving time a physical time that can be distorted.

Now if we step into compressed space the person who is out side of this event should see us slow to a stop (depending on how compressed it is) IE... blackhole, it will be as if they have shrunk down compared to us.

these thoughts are showing that time may very well be layered up in space and the smaller we get we go through the different layers like how water has different atmospheres

I believe spacetime does as well and if there is time reversal  it will be found deep inside an atom,energy (motion) may be fluctuating back and forward in time and an atom may very well be a type of reflection of the BigBang somehow it is linked to it still ..it seems to make sense (well some sort of sense :)

 we have all the components in place for this scenario to happen we have it being at the smallest layer of time (to my understanding of how time is effected) we have space being compressed so much that the gravity is enormous  we have movement in this gravitational field that may shift backwards and forwards in time ie forward catching back up to the present (possibly one of the reasons movement keeps moving?)  ..with time though there may very well be no forward or backward all events may be happening all at once and as the future gets written this is added to the ever expanding NOW.

(hmm..where is that other sheet of LSD I seem to have misplaced it) well I do not think these ideas need to be in my theory hahahaha besides things can run without this ( I think)

 like our thought experiment where we think and stop time and then we slow thoughts back down and are in the present again (one hopes lol)..the point is we can do this because we do travel along all those infinite numbers that a second is made of (not saying we can willfully speed our thoughts up just saying the possibility seems to be present.. I am not saying this is anywhere sound just stating the possibility is there because we seem to have the right conditions for this to happen.

so I think a black hole has layers of time that lead all the way back to when it was a star..( bet you thought I was going to say the big bang :) hehehe nope picture the the star compressed into a black hole the layers of time should only be able to go back up till the point of the event..so if it turned into a black hole a billion years ago there should be a billion years we can go back so by the time we reached ground zero we caught up to the past :) hehehehe...

well we have some thought experiments that seem sound at least I can pull out of it this information that time is indeed physical these Ideas I thought of has some physical proofs ..such as the shrinking all these very small particles move very quickly compared to you and I  ..in the cold clocks run slower ..refrigerator keeps food longer Yes that is right a refrigerator is a type of time machine (though I would not recommend getting in one :)

if someone drowns in very cold water you can resuscitate them after much longer periods of "time" than if they drown in warm water. muons experiment ..he muons not decaying as quickly as they should .... time being different with things in motion like the atomic clock experiment ..and more this all shows me that time is an actual thing not a man made concept and it is simply shown by motion that it is not man made because some thing can go from point a to point b faster than another something even 10 times as fast even 10000 times faster

this alone shows time by way of speed ie motion. and space to move at these different rates of speed ..
time takes on tangibility when we speed our thoughts or shrink because it is like we are still normal by our perception but we are not normal we have distorted time itself.

Well this along with the regular scientific evidence is why I feel both space and time are tangible "real" and since this seems to be the only components that needs to be used to describe and that actually makes everything so in order for space and motion to  make everything we needed a real substance a "fabric" this substance is space and motion is the energy . now these 2 forces should describe everything we experience here. from the small to the large 

another thought experiment to help back up the claim space is tangible is if we were in space and something took our hands and began pulling us through space we would begin to feel a force pulling downward in our bodies our blood and pressure rushing towards our feet ..Why? space is why we are going through a medium called space our atoms are interacting with it as we move through it space wants to hold us in place as we move through it.

think of someone spinning you by your arms as well the blood would rush to your feet if you were in space or here..

why would it want to go anywhere or rush anywhere? why feel any type of pull unless we every bit of us  is being attracted to something the something wanting to hold us in place as we spin away from it...space is this something this space is real and tangible.

Here is another thought say we put a car or bus or whatever vehicle and we were a million miles in space  further away does not matter just trying to prove a point ..we attached this vehicle to a very very long pole and we pushed the car along toward our happy planet earth ...now eventually the car attached firmly to our poll has reached the earth and begins descending  through the atmosphere and is now 15 feet off the ground...now back at the other end of the poll there we are holding it in our hands...shouldnt there be a very big tug ? riping the pole out of our hands? the answer is no we would be holding 3 tons of car in the air and all the pole..see the reason is resistance along the whole poll does not want to be pulled in ... but resistance to what ..how can a pole that has nothing to grip to to use to resist part of itself from being pulled in? the only answer is the hidden tangibility of space ..space wants to hold this pole in place and the bigger and longer the pole the more space can hold to...well I hope you follow my idea and it shows you space as substance..

my next project is to figure out how to make a math formula that shows how much space is in say an atom of hydrogen that would be released if the hydrogen atom was totally destroyed then we could know if we know how much matter is in the universe or should be how large space is this may explain as well where their missing matter is it is in the form of space (though their still could be dark matter but not as much as they think

another thought I came up with today to back up my idea about if you force motion into a line that the faster it moves the slower time will go..this may be a way to show time may not be,, motion..exactly..though still very connected..see the faster you spin something the more gravity is created and soon you spin so fast that by my ideas space is compressed to say a blackhole strength..now entering in to this you would think with this much speed ..that someone outside would see you moving (if they could) super fast ..yet the opposite effect is taking place you would appear super slow yet to you they would be moving super fast aging and dieng why? because space has compressed this is a factor..and fits with my other thoughts and physical data..and a big key ..time is now forced into a linear motion chaotic movement is being  replaced by linear organized movement and if anyone reading this realizes by my theory and thoughts chaos is needed to jump through time..well in this thought experiment we are taking chaos out and the more we do the slower time goes till it stops ..so this lines up with my initial thoughts ..without the abililty to jump passed all the infinite numbers by use of chaos ..we stay behind in our second and time passes normal for the people outside....so ya this thought fits.. another possible implication of this is that the speed really is not the key to effecting time and time is affected as a by product.. (which is FUCKING COOL hehehe) it is possibly the way motion is ordered that effects time or maybe even some other factors we could use to do it..which I initially thought a while back  ..so time may very well be something different and more than motion afterall ..like you know but what I mean is you may be able to isolate it out of motion though this seems prepostrous ..thats why I love it hahahah..

ok I had trying to figure out if you sped up thinking to the point that you didnt see the person move anymore time slowed down would I stay in the past or did something different happen..I have an idea that seems to point in a direction that I hadnt thought about..though I knew it just didnt blend the ideas..ok if your in a blackhole and you lookout of it ..you should someone growing old and dying really quick and they will see you as unmoving..well now you turn on the thinking powers .(which we have done before to get a different answer about something different ..now what you will notice as you speed up thinking that the person out side the black hole begins to slow and you keep thinking faster and the person soon looks normal to you...so you see time is controled through thought by this ..and the person looking at you idk if he will see you moving or still non ..I am speculating that he will see you actually start to move because there is a force generated from thought and energy that seems it may counter the time distortion effect of the black hole....however I need to come up with some sets of fresh ideas in order to get a better feel for itUPDATE and I have : Ok if while in the black hole instead of thinking our way to see our outside friend we now begin to move faster and faster to catch up to the blinking of an eye life span and all the ticks of a clock in that time frame ..we would indeed see him slow down to normal as our speed increases and yes from this we know that our fiend can see us moving what looks like normal to him ..so I do believe that thinking does produce an energy that would counter time stopping in black holes ..because thinking does indeed require energy and not saying we could ever ever think ourselves into a different time reference but we can think ourselves into what it would be like to have more thought powers .. and I need some sort of physical proof as well to make it look real to others...any how this part is not the point it is a branch off the point the point is that we have caught up to the time outside the black hole and if we think even faster we now are moving ahead of the time outside the blackhole so we  actually are moving into the future ..seems nuts to me though but seems to point that way...

quick thought ..time traveling to 2 different events happening at the same point in time ...can both events though at the same time be different lengths of time to reach each one..so in your memory it took what should seem to be a year to reach one took what seemed to be a month to reach the other at the same point in time...and in actually it did take theses different lengths of time... sort of like if you were ind a compressed space area time is going by slower but if you moved for a mile in this compressed space ..with time moving slower ..and another moved the same distance in "regular time"now if thought energy stayed the same but the speed moving through the distance was equal one just brought compressed space like a bubble the whole thing moved at the same time with the other person they would reach the same point in time at the same time but have two very different points of view about how long it took to reach there ..because i imagine the clocks would show different times ..but an observer would see them reach where they they did at the same time ..so an event can take 100 years to see for ` person and a few days for another to see the same event ..and an observer in a different time line seeing both people see the event at the same time..will ponder more on this later just a passing thought is all


Ok ..I got this thought about time and time travel a while ago but kept forgetting to write it down lol...I know I know you think really  time travel thought how unusual for you lol..anyhow it dawned on me that before we could go back in time through enough speed that well we would actually stop moving altogether hehehe isnt that cool ..we move so fast that we actually are no longer moving not only do we catch time and space at their limit but we also have caught up to the limit of motion and stopped it so we are no longer moving hahaha..this truly makes perfect sense to me ..

okay you say that is complete and utter BS others are saying OMG what a super genius thought my goodness ..and i would have to agree with the latter no offense my bs slinger friends ..here is why we stop moving it will become clear as we approach light speed and times limit and the limit that space allows us to move through it .just as time would be about to turn back even for a slight moment ..movement and all of it is stopped frozen on that speck of time that is about to turn back .so basically if we can push hard enuff we run right into the wall of everything has stopped including us..ok i have allot of proofs and ideas bout this just wanted to get it down on paper and produce a work around to this situation ..(ya I know "how" you say lol) hint another kind of energy :)

Before time till now

    Ok so we have seen the power of shrinking down that a person who gets smaller and smaller the world around him begins to slow down more and more ..if a persons hand is raised extended out away from his head and we shrink to the point that this persons hand is as large as the sun and the space between his hand and head as wide as the sky ..this person goes to scratch an itch it will take to us little people a long time before this hand reaches his head to scratch ..the small things like electrons and photons would be very large to us and we would be moving at least their speed naturally ..so how much more time distorts down in the tiny spots of our atoms smaller than the quarks and such ..pound for pound its as a black hole down there.. ie time stops ..no time our atoms come from a place of not time and flow up expanding out to where we are now this means that although time is stopped at the tiniest parts and supposedly they see things going in and out of time ..which i would like to think is true since it matches what i thought lol..but time stopped and yet time did not slow down to get to stop it got faster and faster till it till it just stopped lol..so if we back track its stopped now we are at light speed as we follow the pathway to us or our size its much much slower here ..so i have ot say that either time did not actually suddnely stop at the tiniest places it just connected or leveled out with someother part hmm like two ends meeting and the eye of the storm is where time stopped and wen you go omg how to word this for people to grasp what i am trying to put down on this place grr.sorry i will try and reword this later i guess i have enough to not forget my thoughts .. God in time ..every possible scenario of peoples choices in each of the various situations leading to the most possible people saved not guided evolution but guided time lines to the best possible outcome .this is another thought I need to ponder to see if it holds up ..


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