Hi ldibart;
Actually most of us call that field of science, physics. I guess you can put yourself among the great thinkers like Galileo and
Newton now! All kidding aside, science is based on our ability to perform measurements and all measurements eventually reduce to the measure of distance and motion.

You made the comment that “all energy is motion, all matter is motion” but this is not quite correct. There has to be a fundamental entity that has the property of motion; we tend to call it the stuff of the universe or just fundamental matter. To make your statement correct you simply need to change the word matter to “mass”. Mass is the quantitative measure of matter based on the inertia property; the inertia property is basically the resistance to a change of motion.

If you would like to see how others share this understanding that motion is the key to understanding the TOE, then review the many posts of Analog, Graybeard, myself and a few others here on ToeQuest. A quick review of the concepts of “absolutes” can be found in my blog pages at: Toronics

Welcome to ToeQuest!
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11-24-2008, 06:19 PM
Re: The Moving Toe


Hello dleviwing

Thanks I will look at the links!
I think I need to explain a little to see if we are saying the same thing or if you may not see it the way I do

all matter is motion with its "fabric" space ,the mixture of space and motion create it all, this is what I am saying ...

I see matter as an energetic state, this energy is held in by space.

atoms come together because they are folding space around them. there is no rest state of matter it is always moving.
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11-24-2008, 08:06 PM
Re: The Moving Toe


Hi Idibart;

So is space your fundamental substance?
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11-24-2008, 08:14 PM
Re: The Moving Toe

Originally Posted by Profpat View Post
Hi Idibart;

So is space your fundamental substance?
Yes, sorry and thanks I forgot to mention it
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11-24-2008, 09:21 PM
Re: The Moving Toe


sorry I can be very absentminded at times but here is trivial part I left out hehehe

there was this extremely hot dense "spot" where "everything" was, it was highly energized (motion) this "energy" actually made it be so "dense" because it was moving very fast and it moved and pushed in all directions as it did this space resisted it with as much "binding" force as motion gave off, making it extremely small and hot . as the energy slowed down its motion, space began to "loosen its grip" as the grip got loosened
space began expanding as space expanded the the motion had more freedom to move and form within the space this is basically it
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11-25-2008, 05:39 PM
Re: The Moving Toe

Hi ldibart;
Saying that space is the fundamental substance is like saying that steam is water; though true, space is simply one of the motion states of the fundamental substance often referred to as Aether, quantum foam, spacetime, and many others. It is primarily the chaotic electromagnetic wave state or as I like to call it, the randomized motion state of fundamental mater. What you call folding of space is actually the condensing of space by way of converting randomized motion into uniform motion; uniform motion produces the property of inertia and thus is what we see as mass.

To make sense of how you use terminology in your concepts, you must provide a root hypotheses of fundamentals and hopefully, axiomatic concepts that all terms and measure will trace back to. As yet, that is not evident in your postings. Maybe you should start from your early development of the concept.
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0 ldibart is on a distinguished roadThis sentence I am  typing was not part of the blog I think he was trying to show me possibly how to word things? it seemed like he was not saying I could not use it just needing a more precise definition? was actually afraid to ask because I felt stupid lol though I believe firmly in my theory and I am not stupid just stupid to the terms being used.
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11-25-2008, 06:51 PM
Re: The Moving Toe

Originally Posted by dleviwing View Post
Hi ldibart;
Saying that space is the fundamental substance is like saying that steam is water; though true, space is simply one of the motion states of the fundamental substance often referred to as Aether, quantum foam, spacetime, and many others. It is primarily the chaotic electromagnetic wave state or as I like to call it, the randomized motion state of fundamental mater. What you call folding of space is actually the condensing of space by way of converting randomized motion into uniform motion; uniform motion produces the property of inertia and thus is what we see as mass.

To make sense of how you use terminology in your concepts, you must provide a root hypotheses of fundamentals and hopefully, axiomatic concepts that all terms and measure will trace back to. As yet, that is not evident in your postings. Maybe you should start from your early development of the concept.
hello so basically you are saying since space is a motion state of the fundamental substance I cannot use it as the "substance"

If this is what is meant, then I wanted to ask
1.does this disprove that an atom is not held in place by space folding (sorry about the definitions
and by default that atoms do not come together because of the same process?

if not, then why can I not use space as my substance for mass's shape ie matter?

since space is one of the motion states of this fundamental substance? wouldn't I still be using the fundamental substance even if it is one "state of" ..the fundamental substance?

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11-25-2008, 07:08 PM
Re: The Moving Toe

Hello Gentlemen;

I'm curious about the " Fundamental Substance " also. As David knows I believe in God and Strings, and to me both are the " Fundamental Sustance "

It seems to me you need an actual, physical, measurable, observable,( to the extent possible) " real " substance. I like strings being a 1 dimensional Planck Length string seemed as fundamental as one could get. ( I know strinngs are " just " a theory, but that doesn't mean it's wrong, just no physical evidence yet.

So my question, strings are my fundamental substance, what is yours?


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hi pat
I thought it should have a "real" substance as well and was not sure, I had never realized the need of a non moving fundamental substance

I think that as you go very deep inside an atom, the space that has been compressed with motion still there will have the strength probably be close to that of a black hole (pound for pound) and whatever strange effects are present in a black hole will be present in an atom deep inside
as we work our way out of an atom we will have space folding all the way out like that of the black hole

... so I believe particles like that exist but did the pressure of space folding and motion create them at the beginning?
it could be the other way around however I still see them as motion being encapsulated by space.
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11-25-2008, 08:26 PM
Re: The Moving Toe

If you want to call space the fundamental substance, I have no objections.
You should do more research before inventing another square wheel though!

BTW: String theory is also a square wheel.

Originally Posted by dleviwing View Post
If you want to call space the fundamental substance, I have no objections.
You should do more research before inventing another square wheel though!

BTW: String theory is also a square wheel.
Sometimes you need to think outside of the box;

Maybe we should rethink space.

Hi Prof;
We don’t need another Stanly Wagon in science. I doubt if old Stan was doing serious science at the time.

I’m mainly concerned that those who wish to enter their concepts in a serious fashion for consideration that they take time to research existing concepts; even those that fall far outside the box. Of course they can’t go too far wrong by understanding current accepted views either. ldibart is a newbi so I will give him a little more tolerance than usual; You know better though Profpat!

BTW: I did like the picture though. __________________

This I am typing is not part of this forum either
I really do think the picture was very funny I never expected that these guys can be quite funny..

Now in response for my own memories ...I have looked at some ideas and such but I do not have the time to look at a huge amount of various theories lots that could be totally wrong and figure out the math presented and decipher the terminology  then present my ideas, I would have long expired and my children would have to present these ideas lol
kidding but the way I read, it would take a long time.

see, what i did was take a lot of basic concepts I knew where true, the things I could see and know of, then I analyzed it to pieces,  I used thought experiments and solved problems and checked if I was right and if I was, I linked the ideas if I could.

 I always had a feel for if I had a puzzle piece that fit or to hold it till it did I also knew some puzzle piece would be fit later with more knowledge I would be gaining and knew ideas I kept formulating,  what I lacked in math and terminology I believe I made up for with a sound understanding of energy and how it works and everything.

 this took me a number of years and a different way of thinking
I added a lot of ideas to the basic ones I learned (have always been able to upgrade on almost anything I understand)

So I do understand,  he may think of me as a beginner, but I have it down just not the math or terms. So for me to read a book on theories that has lots of math and terms Unknown to me.. I never felt math is needed till the end anyhow, to prove it..but math may not prove somethings like for example

the infinite numbers in a second. math would say no passing it is eternal yet we pass through the infinite numbers this does not void out the math it does show there is something that math can not explain.

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