The mother poisons them against me .. only 1 of the kids seemed fine and then distance happened while he still can talk to everyone else no problem busy is a lie since busier he was before . THIS point PLUS the fact..I PREWARNED the fker about how I felt anyone with any sort of brains would have changed if they gave a fcuk ...BUT no  then he does it again and again ... acts like I do not know something is up his fkn ass because when we talk he talks fine WELL so do the others that I know already have a problem with me and for ZERO FKN REAONS!!!! I told him since he was old enough to walk . that I did NOT care what job he had how much money NONE of it as long as he ended up being a good person .. well you FAILED the first and foremost thing to being a good person is to treat your fkn Parent with respect .. YOU YOU act far worse and more distant to me than I did my ABUSIVE FCUKN FATHER!  physically beat and mentally abused at least 5 days a week by that fk and in the end I talked to him 1 time a week and visited him a couple times a month .. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSES FROM ME!!!!!   You asshole were the only fucking thread keeping ME even wanting to consider talking to anyone else I figured eventually someone having my back would get through... but no .. you are no better than a fruit!! see a fruit in a bowl with bad fruit turns bad .. now the difference with humans is SOUL they can turn others around them GOOD .. but you CHOSE to allow things to remain as is .and play cop out games .. thats fine when I am done writing this I will never need to think about you again .. most of my daily stress was sitting and wondering what I DID WRONG .you will pay DEARLY FOR THIS !! the stress the feelings I had GOD will put those into you and burn you alive !!!! 

I wont fucking look back and all your I DO NOT HAVE  A PROBLEM is done away by ACTIONS .. one day not long from now you will think back to when YOU fucked this up you cunt and I hope you suffer half the pain I have !!!! . 

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