We are under punishment like it or not! and most know it is punishment not a total pleasure cruise again this punishment matches the bible as well ..but there is still good here and that is a true blessing. we as a people can make this place so much better meaning most of this crap is on US! if we do what we are suppose to do..if we simply do not steal, murder, lie ,cheat ,so on..if we people did not do those things this would be a much better place!
You can be poor and not steal or rob and not seek revenge ..and you can be rich and not steal from people or give shady and down right dishonest bad deals so on...NOW replace stealing with giving ..replace murder with saving a life ..replace cheating with fidelity and better treatment of your other half..understand the world would be a place one would want to be born into.
Stop companies and science from holding back buying out good inventions and tossing them away so no one can benefit from it ..how many diseases would have been cured from simple plants but these greedy people want to make a pill form that will keep customers coming back ..come on THINK ABOUT IT!
Stop blaming God almighty for mistakes and willful acts of people and yes I will admit I am as guilty of this as well probably worse than most but please try to remember when someone murders. rapes, destroys. those people are accountable for their own actions. or why punish them at all if you point the blame elsewhere?
All those who complain of the crimes of the world ..think with the mind of a child ..would a child want to be protected ..yes ..it is in them to want this and it is in us to want to do this ..this is a great thing. Darwinism should never apply to the higher thinking beings ..we humans ..we understand to save the weak,we empathize with those in a fire and would rush in at our own peril to save even an unknown person from certain death ..WHY? because we love ..we understand the fear pain mental torment this person must be feeling ..or an old lady trying to cross the street having a hard time ..the right thing to do is help and we all know this ..the weaker they are the more we should nurture ..them..
God created this universe is our start and all god believers should believe this imo .Being created we and this universe are less than God's full value and not as complete as God. This makes there be a natural evil that is present in all of the universe, a not fully complete state and this is shown through all of nature and the entire universe .
This less than the maker through being created, is natural and with our free will that allows for a natural striving to find what we are missing, to fill this void,be it knowledge or love or any attribute when you have God to compare yourself to, you find lack in yourself, the same way if you are lacking food your body needs it to be back to balance.
Take for instance if there were an Angel with free will close to God,a natural consequence of this less than God feeling is the Angel wants to be like God ,this missing part in all creatures can bring about sin, if they were to act out of Gods order. This does not only show up in the bible but looking to nature a simple example is when people steal because of want or desire .this is not sin to want something you feel you need but becomes sin when you take that desire too far or try a short cut to fulfill this desire..Rather it be an angel or man, we have desires directly due to the fact that we are not as complete as God . but not complete or the fact that there being a natural evil, is not the same thing as sin ..
so evil was created alongside of us as a natural law that comes into being when a lesser thing is created .and this lesser state or evil, it is a tool that makes us desire to have and want these desires can come in good and bad ways and what we do with them is either good or bad, this evil is part of the created nature "for man has become as one of us to know good and evil" what evil was present before man? God knows good and evil and does not sin .. knowing evil does not equal sin nor does the natural existence of evil through our creation..
Man fell because of the physical action they did, not because of the thought of it .. they had to have thought of taken it, before doing it ..this very thought, though evil and a temptation if it were considered sin they would have died spiritually right then. . a lot of Christians are somehow afraid when they hear the word "evil", they think sin crime violence Satan and devil ,this is not what should be thought when I say it .
Evil is made alive by the will so to speak, as if out of nowhere, yet its a natural out come of a lacking, lesser than God creation. One aspect of evil is to produce good in both spiritual and physical ,like eating other aspects of this production is through us, by way of desires of all sorts to strive to be better than we are, to be more like God and this is good yet it is driven by feeling a lack of completeness or by knowing we feel better by something, which would then be a lack of feeling better inspires us..which is a lack but is not sin ..evil is a two edged sword in this sense in all areas of life caused by being incomplete
The tree of life was taken from Adam and Eve which they needed to sustain their physical life without it the physical body of them would have died, I am not fully convinced that they were created immortal this is in my opinion though I believe most ministers feel they where encase you were wondering
I do agree with this part that they were created to be immortal if they kept on the right path but I am just not certain this is a fact at the very start of their creation and by the gift God gave them, which was the tree of life this was to keep them immortal ..
God removed them from the garden so they could not live forever dead ..dead to sin ..this is why God removed them from the garden because they would continue to eat from the gift the tree of life he provided for them ,So this part is true and it is stated ..think about it..so yes again in my opinion there could have been a life death cycle of animals intended because doubtful all sea creatures and such was able to eat of the tree of life so there most likely was a natural life and death cycle .
.now I like to show proof where I can for the other side as well I only want the truth I do not really care if I am shown to be correct ..but that said I am not saying I am totally right in thinking that life death cycles existed with nature,as this is not the point of the book but I do have this to say ,think about Lobsters and their lifespan some call them immortal like the only reason they die is because they get like caught squished so on same with the backward-aging Jellyfish these get older then reverse their age its truly amazing and you have Sturdy turtles these if they can avoid disease and being killed can they say should just continue living! so there is evidence that all was immortal from the start .
but if man had continued on the right path they would have more than likely ended up full and completed by God, they very well could have been just the beginning product ..
why else was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil there ..not because God wanted to prove anything about their love for him, pretty sure God knew they loved him either way So I believe it was going to be for them as well,at a time appointed and I also believe their bodies would have been transformed into the Body Christ attained.
Those that do not believe in genesis or a literal interpretation that is OK I am just skimming through and am going to hopefully show you why a sacrifice had to be made since a lot of people do not understand the why it was needed part the why not just forgive and forget.
.. as far as other religions, Christianity is the only one that fits what i see around me and the more importantly the only one that has a remedy for sin and it actually fulfills all these points I will bring up that some just did not think of.
When you understand not why Christs sacrificed himself, but HOW it works, the genius behind it and how it was not revealed in straight up words but whiffs and pieces of it through the whole bible ,its simply awesome you realize it takes God to be able to do something this cunning and amazing to negate what produced a death sentence on us!
by the need of a perfect sacrifice the understanding as to why a sacrifice or more the how does it work just jumps out at you and again, you realize man could not have made this stuff up and it make this much sense! ..
The Sacrifice:
When God speaks he does so from his very nature, not him deciding hmmm "If you do wrong against me i suppose ill do this"! ..his very nature, his very perfect nature.. his natural law inside himself says "the wages of sin is death" this is just a fact, period ..Adam had full knowledge that he would die if he ate ..Eve as well ..they knew the rules ..
God loved us , he removed the curse of sin this has been told enough that those reading this probably have heard of it, but how ,because he just said so or he said this will cover it?
if he could just say so, then why would he need the sacrifice? Here is the why God needs a sacrifice and what was required in this sacrifice and the reader will see the clear reasoning ( I hope) what was needed ,we need someone not cursed under Adam ie original sin so he can have no sin
..all in Adam die, does not matter how good you think you are ... the wages of sin IS death .. but God also is love and wants to show mercy and forgiveness BUT,He cannot break his own nature or natural law! Do you understand to go against your own nature a perfect being would in actuality be committing a sin against himself?
it is a crime against himself to not have full payment for sin Do you understand this God cannot simply forgive everyone for all time against his very nature the nature that says the wages of sin is death!
..what to do? HOW to fulfill his original law and make right the wrong and injustice committed against him, the perfect judge?
Now comes Christ "the word"..he is born, not out of carnal love making, but places himself into a virgin woman who was from the bloodline of King David....this action fulfills the required line (not getting into why that line and all that entails) but it fulfills promises of the old testament and allows for a perfect flesh sacrifice so this takes care of the flesh part of it, a human without original sin to be born... so his flesh can make the sacrifice .
.but still why a sacrifice ? how does this actually work to remove sin? it does this naturally and logically by Gods own nature and natural laws ...but the value of the sacrifice has got to be worth all the sin that is in the world and as we shall see all the natural evil that inspires sin as well..this sacrifice has to have a value higher than all beings creating this sin to make a perfect balance .
God is a perfect judge and has to have full payment made .. and this means part of this sacrifice cannot be just a man without original sin because he would be still just a man though a sinless one and maybe can die for another man as an even trade though I doubt it since that man is created.
if you think about it this too would not be a fair trade would it, who is man to trade for another mans life with out an injustice occurring from the crime of putting an innocent man to death in the very trade off , and besides all sin is against GOD and the one who has had injustice done to him is GOD!
all sin committed is against GOD so he needs payment to balance the crimes out ..not because he chooses like "I think this will do ,however maybe I will make 2 lashes be payment", it is a natural repayment that is in his nature to be made ..SIN = Death and that's it
Because the damage that was done was to God only God can be the one that would know what is payment enough only God would know how someone must act and behave and fulfill all requiremetns first!
So God is the only one that could make this sacrifice and can take back what he knows is complete justice for crimes committed against him ..he and he alone knows what he needs to cover this payment ...and what he expected in the fulfilling of laws
the sacrifice cannot be a created being! a created being when all sin has been committed against God would not be acceptable .created beings cannot be worshiped they are the creature a creature is not a good enough sacrifice for all sin for all time ,since God is of no end he fits this , he is worth the total of creation and infinitely ..And the word was made flesh! A perfect SELF CREATED being ..fully complete spiritually and physically!
God came as Christ, the word was made flesh Book of John and made flesh by himself.. the word IS God made flesh he would fulfill all the laws of his own nature required to be perfect. he alone knows all and everyone of those laws as he has perfect knowledge of what is right and what is wrong and is therefore fully aware when a misdeed is done and when it needs to be repaid
NOW the Creator took on flesh ..sinless and perfect .. as shown biblically this will show clearly why God can sacrifice himself and that very crime will be naturally dissolved by ONLY God doing the sacrifice! first lets talk about sins role in this sacrifice. this is where it gets really creative and awesome hope you are still with me here.
The only thing in the universe that could sin against Gods natural law of "the wages of sin is death" at this point ..is ..SIN, coming into contact with the perfect being GOD whom this Law flowed naturally out of ,this gives sin inspired by evil in mans heart an opportunity to commit sin against Gods very nature. to break a command of the highest sort, sin is not allowed by law by Gods law to kill the perfect,.. it/they did just that!
..through sinful man CHRIST was put to death on the cross.. the wages of "SIN" is death ..Christ had no sin ..this is a breach in the nature of god ..sin committed an ultimate crime through evil in mans heart and killed not just someone without sin but the Creator of all things! the eternal Creator, you could do no greater sin ever than this.
This sin was great enough for the very essence of sin and evil that inspired it to be judged through the power of his sacrifice!! Not because of "oh I think this will be adequate payback for what I suffered" he received natural logical payments for what was done to him and it is shown through what gifts he received they match perfectly what should have been gained!
Christ was put to death when he was perfect, so he was raised from death! Now to be fully compensated for that crime of dying he received an immortal body! this is fair and just wouldnt you agree?! ..raised up from the grave defeating death forever which should have never taken him and hell which he preached to captives was now handed over to him, Christ earned this! Hell had no rights on him and as shown in the bible the keys of hell and death were given to Christ this fits to further!!
Add to the point the prophet and king,king David stated you will not leave me in hell nor will thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption. Paul explained that kind David did die and did see corruption but being a prophet of god spoke of Christ .. Christ received all the things he did because he EARNED it, heck he even had to earn his very name!! 2nd Philipians 2.5 (verse at bottom of page ) he fulfilled laws of his own nature without going against his very own will and being! Now Christ has gained power over sin! he can say I forgive you forever and take away sin because he earned this right!
when breaking down this sacrifice there was no other way to reconcile mankind with God but its still not even ..even though hell is was brought into captivity and death
So sin is judged to death in Christ and Christ now represents the Tree of life and we must take of him to live!, "whosoever believes in me shall not perish but have eternal life" .. by one man, Adam, sin and death ..also by one man Christ, removal of sin and eternal life ..a complete picture and a genius sacrificial move ..oh wait what about the evil that can inspire people to sin?
Ephesians 4:9 What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? 10 He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.
The whole universe needed to be filled as seen it had and still has a natural lack this lack will be filled in time through Christ Jesus this is another aspect of the sacrifice to fill this void to make fully complete the whole universe and which would require God. this evil will be brought under Christ as a natural part of his sacrifice . I am confident no one could have made up a perfect story about how to remove sin and make it hidden and match all of what a perfect God would need to do to stop sin dead ..fully jaw dropping plan executed with perfection!
What other religion has something this powerful of a remedy in it for sin, against evil that you see present and where can the explanation of how this can be solved from actions that fit logically ..sorry this is long and for my kindergartner writing style, I am hoping it helps you.You want answers and are a thinker and like myself I need my faith to make sense to me .
We need no priests we need no minister we only need to pray to Christ Jesus for forgiveness of sin and to enter our hearts and life ..we also need not desperately struggle to rid sin in our lives Jesus does this he knows how to work in us just pray and go about your life happy and forgiven!!
. peace to you.
As previously shown in a point by point leading up to the rewards received by Christ the ones earned by his direct actions the natural outcome of deeds of love done ..this is shown clearly in scripture of even his very NAME so all will know and none not even Satan can cry foul about what he can and does and will do with sin and evil and Satan himself
2nd Philipians 2.5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
As shown above even his very name was earned ..this key point shows that no one can ever cry foul about what attributes he received for his sacrifice of sin for us! Amen.
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