here is something different to think about, not scripture related hmm okay a bit but just a way my mind seems to see things so it makes sense to me in describing how a being like GOD could be as larger as the universe as he sees fit and yet live and see day to day without skipping entire generations (I will explain this below why that thought) |

and in relation to time stopping event in the bible which gives a small piece of "evidence" That God may work on the levels described and shows in my mind God can do this by physical means understandable to those that nay say there being a God .. it does not need take pure magic similarly neither do most miracles performed by God even though he could have chose to use pure magic I think he did not for our benefit ..
I went on a typical solving journey to describe to me as best I could what GOD can do with some of the things known ..

First I thought of various ways of distorting time known ways and what the implications are from it :) I first noted that our distance from the sun and how fast it moves across the sky at 1k mph it really does not seem like it

I then looked at shrinking down so that someones hand was as far proportionately to the distance we are from the sun in my new shrunken height,

It appears from this view ,if a hand of the normal sized person was to wave it would seem like it would take a very long time.. I take this aspect by the fact that electron and other sub atomic particals move very fast and figured out convincingly that they do not to them only to use based on the amount of space each uses during their observations.

I saw that thinking would also be much faster for me at this spot another natural occurrence and really If needed I could shrink further and anything at this level as stated I could see would be as if its normal speed rather than really fast due to the last point of the similar distance size to the sun and seeing our size now does similar effect when watching the sun move across the sky ..I believe this effect continues all the down to the subatomic particles .

..I also took note that it would be similar to one seeing someone else close to a blackhole as their movement would appear similar, slowing down more and more the further into the black hole they went (or event horizon more technically) if it was a very large blackhole it can effect time without sheering forces making you look like taffy :) providing we do not go to deep .

in either case there is much more space in and near the event horizon compressed ..and less of it at a shrunk level and more when looking through space at large distances.

Now if I was to think on GOD and think him extremely large and he is watching and seeing the entire universe before he became Christ.not sure if now I imagine he could still be large as wants to but just for clarity if there is this in my message haha ....

if the univerese is say smaller than a normal sized belly button on him which he doesnt have I am assuming hehe ... and he formed the universe which would as far as we know be at moving lightspeed as light first appears (he would need to see faster than lightspeed of course for him to see the light if he chose to stay this size )

some say the expanse is faster than light but who knows I dont read much on any of this anyhow I would rather think my way through than be tainted by evolutionists and anti god people of science.

but either way we can surmise it would still take a long long time to travel across his stomach for instance God in this position to me would be faster than light speed if he chose to reach his hand out to where the universe is expanding from ...

About thought:

based on this and a few other things and looking at thinking speed ,if someone was to think a thousand times faster in every area, meaning thinking and being able to ponder, the person next to them would appear very slow .

Thought energy looks much like the opposite of blackhole energy as stated above ,It appears a repelling force can counter the other in thought experiment that if you were to place a person far enough into a black hole this person could in theory watch the entire generation pass by in an instant,but with speed of thought they could see it pass by in real time if they could control their thinking speeds they could counter the natural effects of a black hole.

The connection between lightspeed energy and thought energy :
Traveling at lightspeed is suppose to negate motion or as others say it stops time, IF we travel around at light speed and could look at a person, they would seem to not be moving but again side effect would be thinking much faster than they are and if we slow down a little they would appear to move really slow and so to would their thinking thought speed and light speed are connected energies it appears.

Both would seem to negate a block holes energy depending on speed of thought or travel , now if we apply this concept to a being give God his command over all the physical as he would have and being larger than the universe we can even apply an aspect of it to a human person in a black hole who would technically be way larger than he is, based on this point....

the amount of space that is compressed into a small area .so that if a ten million miles of space is in a 10 foot area this person could technically be 1 million miles in size but again to an onlooker if they walked ten feet it would take that same amount of time for this person to cross ten million miles it shows itself as extremely slow movement and this is why to us the onlooker would age and die real quick as we walk our ten feet .. thought energy can counter this

This appears quite a natural counter, GOD became physical his new body could be semi physical still since his hands, his side is still carries the scars. though he could have simply purposed those there and his body have nothing physical to it .

I am uncertain here BUT if it is then we have a workable theory lol .in that he could pass distances no matter how far physically as he felt and chose and I believe this to be by pure thought through his will.

Not that I am trying to make God less than what he is since no one else can make their minds speed up to counter the physical laws of nature and all but I think most miracles had a physical aspect to each of them, but the how is the unknown and I do know God can make something happen that would be pure magic if he so chose...

I just think that for the most part he made it understandable to man such as the way our bodies work can be understood more and more as we create better ways of observing ..

So when I hear people scoffing at the thought of God and all their rubbish thinking as to why he cannot be, I see many ways he can be, I see all miracles as very physically possible ,nothing in the bible contradicts the physical or the possible and I believe he made it be this way .

.I have never been strong with faith but I have been strong with ideas which when solving things my faith grows even if the above way is wrong its not really the point to my mind ,it still shows a way that is quite possible for God to work through and other ways i've thought of

So it would be a simple thing for God to stop time for a day or even use this energy to rewind it if he chose, to us we would say time travel, to him this is the future what is the truth in that case the absolute truth is its our future our truth is its time travel but I go by absolute truth .and.. creation in six days. to others 5 billion years ..

I see various ways where it is six days as we would gage them to be ..I see blends of times if God so chose making the surface of the earth six days as the under it aged in what could be normal time along with the rest of the universe ..its no cop out it really could be any combination in a being that controls time again zero contradiction

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