Looking at the data carefully you come to realize a problem with what the news pumped out for stats. See I know why they did it and some people may have a difficult time understanding why or not believing why. Let me try to explain this.

   Now we all know slavery happened of course .. and that USA purchased 300k of the 12 million going to all of the Americas . This is a very small percentage .what many do not realize is that quite a few where purchased as a safety ..thats right the people at that time could never just over throw the government and take them back .

The news traveled very slowly then. by the time anyone felt enough people could do anything you have what ..yup the civil war ..people did not like slavery as a whole only the rich pretend to be god fearing types and not so god fearing types ...

some blacks that were free men here BEFORE the slaves arrived ..bought them too..to keep them safe ..they could treat them well and feed them ..others were not so fortunately as assholes bought them .. but later when 600k white men and some blacks fought and died to set them free  .. this is almost never talked about .. its the same now with this racism narrative .that i will not get into since we are talking about blacks being targeted by police ..

Ok so if you look at the TRUE stats the stats that happen after each race is confronted by the police and NOT taking the entire white population where half of them never confronted police ..you get a much different story .now this story is not what the media wants out nor is it what the police want out NOR the government ..I will explain this 

after the stats are done we have Native Americans off the graph percent wise being killed by police .. resisting arrest is much more with this group and could be the key factor .i will not get into this just want to get to what the research points to. Next we have whites percent wise then Blacks .. now i know people are crying foul over the medias version differing .. I will explain it will make sense .. 

We right now have an environment where police are not wanting to shoot person of color .. this accounts for a lower percent wise of police killing than vs whites or vs native american .it makes sense .this is correct data being used ..easy to research after confrontation with police .. Next we have in this grouping ages 14 to 26 making up nearly half the crime 

now dont get all pissy this is true from the fbi database ..but its only 3 percent of the black population that means 97 percent are not committing the crimes ..here is the thing ..ready because of this when an officer sees a black person in this age group the PROFILE YOU illegal but fact .. so blacks get interrogated and pulled over way way more percent wise than whites around 6 to 1 more times ..this is why tho way less percents is confronted by police .. they are in front of the police as many times as whites are ..THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM IS!!   

remove this profiling you will have way less police killing of blacks .. now  not just this blacks and whites are actually close whites inching out blacks percent wise ..the media and government police ..  see here is their scheme ..they give out false stats of blacks  being targeted for death by police .  many white people will not believe it ..look up stats that show after confrontation  its false ..this will cause blacks to LOSE SUPPORT!!! same with the kneeling against the flag its a design and koepernick did not understand he was being played by these people!

Same twist get it .. make a protest that will upset most patriotic people that would actually be able to help the cause ...they will look and see the stats wont match as they are not being targeted for stops so they do not have the same feeling that Blacks do when they are targeted for stops ..now they see the data come out after confrontation of police and see blacks are screaming on a false narrative its a deflection tactic  get it?  

ok so here is the point ..the gov wants the law to be militarized for not good reasons .. they want to turn them into hard line types for if martial law is called or other reasons .. see if both sides agreed that we are ALL being shot way the hell too much and dying and the laws need to change ..we would be united against a plan of theirs .. they want to own us all .. they want our voices weak by dividing us in every area possible.

the profiling laws MUST change the tactics the cops use must change ....see blacks KNOW they are being targeted but they do not realize that its targeted not for being shot but for trying to pump you into prisons to WORK for nearly free it connects to companies that pay prisons for dirt cheap labor line the pockets of jails and they make a huge profit ..does this make sense? if the numbers are accurate .. then you can see that ya the want prisons packed ..thats why they keep blacks down allow them to feel all is against them its all a big ass disgusting plan ..

WE ALL NEED TO STOP THIS .. heavy majority of whites ARE NOT RACIST!! nor are trump supporters racist ..get the narrative convince blacks see whites hate us ..smh .. what whites hate is them being hated by a race that they had no problems with ..

this will cause problems and be a self fulling prophecy ..these governmental twats know this and understand psychology well .. well later i will update this with sources and credit for them so on .. but this was a skim over ..I truly hope this makes sense because it needs to be known or the death by cop will be used to divide us as the police keep profiling Blacks for stops and hoping to get them off the streets because they feel the age group are all criminals ..and the media the mouth of the gov wants it ...and companies do too for dirt cheap labor ..but trust me whites are also dirt cheap labor but we are a harder target because in general due to generations of wealth accumulation being passed down we are in a better position not me hahha but more whites are .. and its not privilege in the way the media says it .. it is how a normal country is any race that started a country and maintained the power is the wealthiest in said nation .. because they had time to accumulate and better opportunity ..


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