Sometimes simplicity tells what the truth is (Oscams Razor) . Take right and wrongs for instance some say there is no such thing only what a person believes.I say if almost all people feel pain and almost all people do not like pain then a simple truth is pain is not fun and their are plenty of types of pain that fall into the no good class.Some people may say that I like pain so this is fine and fun 

     if we take them at face value and we continue adding this "fine and fun" pain to their body well death will be the final outcome even if they truly find it "fine and fun" they would then be good for nothing but fertilizer and it does not matter what one thinks was "fine and fun" the body can only take so much pain and destruction of it so death would be the outcome if we went down that path. therefore when something is intended to function a particular way and it breaks and is no longer functioning as intended and becomes good for nothing (in that area, maybe we can use is for scraps and less value) but we can say a plow not working is not a good thing(for those wanting to say well emissions and carbon have stopped so it is a good thing then i will say an emissions and carbon free plow not working is not a good thing or I could say see emissions is not a good thing or or ..I would like people to follow the general points, not fuzzy them up. But this is another form of truth. in this life if we look we can see good and bad . the good we call right and the bad wrong. I am not saying that some things we call bad do not lead to a greater good such as weight lifting and the pain and tear down of the muscles and eventual build up to better than before. I am meaning things like the loss of a limb for instance making it more difficult to do the things you used to do.

    we can compensate and become more efficient in another area however we could have still done that and retained our limb we just did not try to improve there until this loss. now if we punch a person in the face for no reason other than we just wanted to or just did not like how they looked and we have injured this person and depending on the hit broke something . our intent was bad and the outcome was bad for the person and punishment of us happens. we understand this was not right and so do they and we need no one to tell us this. If we understand that there are lots of small absolutes out here, we can begin to see there is truly another type of law at work among us, much like gravity or even a simple thought like a tree remaining where it is everyday we take this for granted but it is a type of law that keeps it from bouncing all over the place chaotically. 

Some wrongs the bible calls sin ..others that do not believe can call them wrongs but it means the same thing. we punish wrongs that are too wrong the same way the bible says God has punished these wrongs or sins as well. after the punishment a person leaves jail for instance and has a new lease on life . However with God all sins are like a build up of pain on a body until this body is dead all sin or wrongs leads to death this is what a perfect being sees a sinful or wrongful act as and the punishment is much stiffer because of this beings nature ..sinful or wrongful cannot stand before this perfect god it naturally is put to death when punishment is said of said it is more a natural law of god like gravity. God made a way that we too like a person who was sentenced to jail gets a new lease on life ..he forgives us through his work on the cross and we have a truly new lease on life not like the human kind that still judges a person even after jail. Even if we do not believe in the bible we can see that there is truly wrongs and rights and if you read up on how the bible fits with what we see and how coincidentally it truly and naturally solves the punishment for wrongs equals death nature part of God it seems a bit ingenious to be untrue when we indeed see that there truly are punishable wrongs that equal death in our standards of judgment even in a place we feel there is no God.


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