Okay I thought about this for a while and figure I may as well put a small suface scratch about the fallen ones since my "child" thinks its so cool to say he is now a satanist ..him and his buddy.. So let me explain some things that make sense ..First how did the angel/s fall I mean all was perfect right? NO... he said it was good  ..and never said perfect about where the Angels resided as well. Let me first start off with when you are created you are already NOT as complete as the maker that made you, you are LACKING you are lacking timelessness all powerful so on so forth ..you are less then..now we fell this as a type of striving force we want to attain to feel more complete we strive to be better people or we also strive to be worse because it fills some part  of us ...possibly not to want to feel hurt so we fill up on hate and other things that are fairly easy to attain ..NOW knowing this natural evil exists in all this physical universe and it comes with the fact we are incomplete ..we have the devil wanting to not be like his dad but to be to replace him THIS is called using evil to commit sin  ..he fell no sin can stand in the presence of God without having to flee or die ..well at least we physical beings will die ..SO this is why sin can happen and it be totally the sin doers fault so like with us, God had wonderful purposes and we could do that but we were meat heads and took the hard way .. Now understand this ..the devil wanted to be God OK fell and he hated his next creation which is WE the People ..of earth ..lol ...so he tempts us to fall be it a talking snake (though I do think it was more of a connection we had to animals maybe the body language and such was moving around the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and eve was like hmm its not dying look hmm ..so on whatever not the point ..so moving on ..after we fall we have knuckle heads that think the devil is all about sex drugs and rock n roll ..let me tell you people first off YOU ARE A DIME A DOZEN your expendable ..sure you will be used to cause chaos but like his dad he really does not like or enjoy sin he wants you as dead plane and simple he is extra jealous of the love we have from the father and he hates the fact that even the worst of humans have a chance so he wants to remove humans kill them so they go where he does not that he enjoys all the sin ..that's the irony of it all hahaha..do you understand that he is not into that at all? ..that he works in false religions and in churches trying to twist scripture he is trying to take down all chances for people to come to a knowledge of christ ..so kill your babies, beat up people .sell and do your drugs. neither side likes you your on your own lmao.. you still do  have the one chance given to us ...but lets us pretend that you are the best of buddies, the devil does not want you to bake or be in pain cuz your just so damn special ..when you get to hell you do understand he is not the ruler of hell right? he is dragged kicking and screaming the entire way and will be tormented day and nite along with all of his followers for ever and ever .. now exactly when is he handing out any metals down there ?is this in between his screams? trust me its not about what you think ,he is not how you think ,this is why you will never understand how any of this works and why if there was ever a good side of him to be on you already failed anyhow ..he is a perfectionist with no mercy any wrong you do is held and no forgiveness at all he has none to give a manipulator to get what he wants and what he wants is blackmail US to use against God and I do not mean that he says if you save me i will let them go ...he has no power ..his hope is in if i take enough with me God will have to not put them in hell and if that is the case it will be wrong for him to put me there as well ..also God would go against his own nature ..see now the devil thinking like this God says OK he has cause souls to fall ..o by the way the devil is a slave to the evil that existed as God created so the devil is not anything majorly special either just a title God gave him ..maybe first created idk seems to fit since first born was treated like a king ..anyhow now God had to make this sin be removed so God recreates himself so he is not less than because it is him in his body ..now the wages of sin is death ..but Jesus did not sin ..so sin must be punished for taking his life ..so firstly Christ gets a new body because sin killed his ..christ gets the keys to hell and death because he went to hell and did preach and release the captives ....he now also judges sin itself to death because sin put Christ to death ..and as a best feature he fills the very cause of sin with his glory the in completion with his ascension ..father forgive them for they know not what they do ..those words to forgive the humans doing the sin and to lay guilt on the force and the sin itself ..sin violated the ultimate God law the wages of sin is death .and sin committed sin and died and is dying  hehehe..so now with power over sin Jesus can forgive whomever he chooses and that is in whoever chooses him ..Now the devil will never and can never choose him ..and that is why he hates all humans because of their chances  .. ..but have fun with your worshiping of a creature out of fear of him ..because you are eternally wrong  if you worship for any reason other then of fear fear is understandable but it is also because you do not understand Jesus Christ this is where the fear starts ..you need to know him now cuz in the end the whole world will tremble INCLUDING the devil you want to worship someone that can be all powerful and full of wrath the with the kind of power that can have you and your devil being eaten by the worm that dieth not all eternity ..is that scary enough for you ..wow that's for those that willfully reject so great a sacrifice  ..so  I will stick to Christ who has earned my love and my respect ..who in the end shall fill the universe with his glory ..interesting the universe fill it wonder why OH i know because of the natural less than the evil the incomplete will be done away with leaving us desiring nothing just being filled with his love .. AMEN.

August 20.2017 Testing ..I Have looked down on you oh islands and I shall hit you with the storms and bend to my will what is needed for you and for that liberal city and waters shall wipe away your sins in your rebuilding, repentance had best be on your tongues  and FL mercy for now a warning over the bow...  . one on the coast ..the next on fl ..the islands shall I hit for they are RIPE and The smell has reached my nostrils  ..in threes will they come and with quakes shall I shake the earth you who riot  I will shake your homelands 2 quakes and a third will come! 


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