You have no excuses..I have no idea if you lost your faith but Christ did everything to reveal himself to you ..when we drove and i told you about God and everything i had said was repeated by the car radio not just that the radio station that it was on static out and this man preached what i had said confirming I told you Christ was God and I knew you accepted this with the coming of a ufo to show to shine on us ..

I said to you you accepted him you said yes I thought it and i pointed to the ufo this was sealed this was for your faith ..we got out of the car and watched it made no sound it did not move like any planes or helicopter nor drones moved without noise straight the up then it was gone ..I ask you how could you now silence yourself ..I stood before your evolution teacher and debated with him for your soul ..I understand now what i learned i would not have had to do this I have a far greater argument now... You may think you are nice you may feel that these minority groups are a worthy cause to you but right is right wrong is wrong and homesexuals are not minority groups they are people that perform sex acts that lead to death not life and I speak of this in the physical sense not just morally ..

  they can get away with these actions in a society that reproduces as we do ..but alone it leads to death and always will ..this does not mean hell to those that do these as other Christians misinterpret the scriptures and link it to a reprobate mind ..

    I believe God is much greater with far more mercy then people have..but while you are out protecting them..I was hurting with 3 major bads happening to me year after year always 3s for 5 years..I will find it hard to forgive you and may never even after retribution. 

     For some reason you must feel I had nothing good enough to offer in our "friendship" but let me clue you in, just because my spelling and paragraphs and run on sentences are atrocious, these say nothing about my points, my solving of puzzles that no one else has, paradoxes  ..that are centuries old ..the bible the sacrifice, how it works how it makes perfect sense naturally, if you ever took the time to talk to me you could have learned plenty more but you wanted the world 


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