Throwing this down here ..the thing is everything has become incoherent again i think lol ..leaving out this shorting that never a good thing to have missing pieces stored in my head ..but i look back on here and remember but omg to type it all out is totally annoying ..hmm maybe i will see if these talk to type programs have gotten good enough that they can actually type what I say now ..i tried em a decade ago ..and wow yuck hehehe.. anyhow on to the good stuff..

arguments between churches one says no such thing as predestination the other disagrees back and forth they go and why? the bible is clear ..there is predestination ..and yet its pretty clear we all have a chance to be saved ..hmm..lets me see here ..oh I know ..perhaps its both ways  ..oh my ..what a thought can god not interfere with our choosing rights and yet have his plan not interfered with by those same rights..very quickly now here we go..god thought of every possible scenario and combined synergistic effect for each of us and all situations all at once ..btw its not crazy considering stephen hawkings figures that all possible combinations exists ..but ya but not quite good try ..carrying on once he has gotten what would be the best outcome and his plan inserted that does not effect our choices and our choices does not effect that plan off we go with creation he inserted the predestined ones to enable this plan not by affecting our free will but by allowing the choices made by free will to take place ..this is why predestined people are needed they are like the wild cards not so wild if you get what i mean ..if you think about it it fits in with allot of other confusing issues that are clarified with the above thought ..plenty of other scriptures and thoughts but again i am not writing it down here and now lol.. 


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