I told debbie her cousin had something wrong with him she just wouldnt seem to accept it so I just backed off not sure if that was the right thing to do but I let her go with him and the very next day she wants a divorce! like it all feels so surreal right now ..wtf is going on?? 

omg dooshbag from Steves church looks at me with like a look that says I dont like you and I know something you dont and Ive basically got you or some shit cant explain it fully but what a dirty prick if he is thinking this and its in a church for real tho i did feel a demon presence in him matter of fact he is nelsons friend I do wonder . 

UPDATE : Nelson I do know for sure now does minimum have a demon around him and is for sure influenced by it not sure possesed but feels close he could be ... was real weird the other night he was walking like sleep walking talking I went to get some food and he was standing there in the dark I usually keep light off so I dont wake him if he is on the couch but was strange I went to find my way to the door in the kitchen felt someone staring and i turn on kitchen light he is standing near the couch looking eyes strange staring like creepy I said whats up no reply I got some food then he says ..

"almost now" with a weird look same look as that ass from the church..but I said   almost now what? he sits back down lays there, I say hey, he goes huh oh hey lanny I realized this was now him and he had no idea what the hell was going on .. so  I said I try to keep the light off so I dont wake you, he said "oh thats okay not a problem" ..so I leave downstairs 
I want to tell Debbie but she did not accept that about her cousin too close i guess so I simply layed off that line of thinking for her making it as if i could be incorrect for her sake ..maybe I should tell her? 

"Do you want to know the name of my soldier I sent to ruin your marriage? oooo too bad how about a treat tho A >  H > but oh my you do know how I work right? " NBT sends this to FK with me! 

Puzzle started before the above that NBT sent The above message  and pretty sure i was correct in my conclusion and with further thinking slightly more information and knowing demons are involved plus debs somehow believes divorce is a okay and keeps mentioning steve and denice ..makes me feel that church is something bad there its an entrance for satan and it also shows with that woman really stretching the scripture and it being allowed ... but if you have doctrine that defends a sin of that magnitude you should never attend sorry its my gut feelings on it Divorce as the lord has told me is symbolic to the bride if you can divorce that is a judgement on your spouse and your marriage and it clearly states with what judgement you use you will be judged accordingly ..so you will be divorced from christ he allows on earth a reason to divorce he allows in heaven a reason for HIM to divorce YOU .. its not difficult here ...

 if you take all the pieces ..I mean IF she is interested and or seeing someone else it comes down to only one person .. but solving this shit as a puzzle  I suppose at least it keeps me from emotions of this and helps me work under pressure so I can at least improve this way

Feb 1 2020 now forgot to mark the exact date as my emotional stress is a bit consuming ..but this  is sent to me marking dates this loser always screws around with me ..Is this for real or to stress me out . smh if its true Debbie is also being used if true as well where could she have met someone except at work? maybe at like idk ..

nelson when she goes with him thats free time too . idk tho it does feel that nelson now i felt A strong demonic presence with nelson and its lets see he dont go to church no more so doubtful its me that is bad and all that goodness in nelson is like garlic to a vampire hahah 
still I feel he knows about this marriage thing, I can sense it ..  I can see it in him he plays well though, I mean think this way we have her going with nelson and the very next day she wants a divorce. Flag one nelson demonic presence flag 2 all the warnings on the way up flag 3 .

then I do recall this dude at church the way he looked at me was like you would get if someone did not like you BUT stabbed you in the back and the look is if to call you a fool basically and felt pure satanic presence and a pretend to be nice spirit so demonic as well flag 4 
.. NOW i end up with this message above ..and it appears an A H for first and last name ..now put this together you get the same first name letter and last name letter of the dude at church AND coincidentally you get him being Nelsons buddy .Flag 5 
I would literally bet money she is going with this dude or wanting too and this means Nelson helped her and probably set it up too . why are people so fucking foolish am I to sit back and take this fucking abuse from idiots that believe they are so smart as to trick me? I will remain silent and see if i was correct it will come out eventually . so if i am correct I solved this in 2 days really and that without this asshole NBT sending me shit . 

3/7/2020 Deb left for work still holding to her crime wanting so Time to ask God for the demon to relieve itself I was praying for God to show me who the guy was but that was not answered so 2 facts will remain she is NOT seeing anyone I will be surprised OR she is and He is demonic so I will pray and then wait God always answers me and I always get mad at him and I am sorry .

omfg!! update 3/8/2020 it is him and worse he must be a demon and forced to show himself due to prayer sometimes i can will this this time I could not God did tho meaning his demon and Nelsons are stronger than normal . Isnt it jsut funny that this twat is in a church EXACTLY where the devil would want him to be ..NBT fucks with me and its not usually a lie smh ..I hate my life right now 

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