everyone you do but the death part of it HAD to stand as a final punishment for everyone's This why Jesus could forgive the adultery of a woman this forgiveness comes in the form of not being stoned to death and the sin no more shows to not commit adultery again "lest something worse falls upon you" echoes in my mind from a man he healed that was lame whom he also said "go and sin no more to".. So yes God could forgive Sin in the sense of individual acts ..but willful sinning against God was and is not forgiven in this way A hard punishment comes from this and be warned if you wonder why your prayers are not being answered why this why that  ..have you willfully sinned should be the question ..But 

 Question 1.

 I have as of right now I am unsure just what willful sinning is ..is it you sin knowing it Is wrong  or is it looking at God and saying I know its wrong against you but I am doing this anyhow ..or is it not even being tempted by sin but doing it just because God does not want you to? 

Question 2.

I find it difficult to understand if the Creator made the Angels without ever experiencing the difficulty of what their temptation was that produced a fall, even though his nature is the wages of sin is death  How or why would you create something you yourself have never been? How is it justice I mean true justice to condemn something without knowing what it was like to experience being that something? ( update . It is possible that he did experience it in some way possibly after the angles fall he did in christ ..but before this i am unsure I suppose more accurate question would be how can God judge a creation that in its very nature is already incomplete and made less than the complete i e the maker? .. i suppose a reply of he did not judge the creation for being less than ...only for sin which he did not commit and because he loved creation so much it must have been amazingly difficult to not break your own rules or nature and in that way fall to sin ..

Question 3

This is close to the same as the above question Adam and Eve plus all of humanity are judged by Gods perfect nature the wages of sin is death before God himself knew what it was like to be human with this kind of temptation to produce a fall .. I see Christ was made human after the fact but we are judged before the fact and we are human and frail before the fact .. to be truly just in my mind to be able to judge us I would feel fair would have been to have lived out (if you will) both creations lives and showing that you conquered both natures now sitting on high you create these very beings and can justly condemn them .Ok update I do suppose it to be possible that he did know what the temptations would be like and it was possible to resist them or he would not be just in condemning ( I think) it is also possible that it would be unjust to know if you do not make a creation that you can salvage allot of souls and to live eternally it would be bad to not make it and is truly forced ..so there is that as well..

4.is God never going to be an Angel as he was human or are the Angles the same sort of flesh as it were that he has and therefore the judgment he made on them is fine (not saying it is not fine anyhow because of my inability to come to the right conclusion does not in anyway mean God is not correct to judge ..even if he did not experience it his nature has to have justice for sin so it is and would be wrong/irrelevant to think judgment of sin unfair) I guess the start of an answer to these questions tie in to why does sin exist is it because of God or us ..now we can say god made us and made sin possible and therefore god is responsible ..but this is faulty  thinking because when God created us we were automatically made naturally less than him and we are not judged for being less than him because in him he knows that it is not a Bad thing to be less than from being made ..now this incomplete is called evil its like an emptiness needing to be filled so we strive to fill it ..this very evil or incomplete gives us the ability to strive to be better but it also gives us the ability to commit sin ..and this is on us all  and our responsibility for each action we do good or bad . so does god have a right to judge us for sinning ..of course!

these questions If answered are to help come to the meaning of justice and judgment and to understand the mind of God a little better than we do.


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