A simple concept that may work to attain light speed without becoming pure energy may or may not work is by having a large enough hollow tube either spinning or moving in a straight line (preferred straight line for flying purposes) this tube would need to be 50 percent light speed and the craft would need to fly at this level speed enter in at opposite travel and you will pass through the tube judging by the sides of the tube at light speed..increase either tubes speed or flight speed and who knows what will happen ..I suggest a tube large enough that it will not pull on the ship..unsure if one was over fifty percent light speed if time would be distorted to reverse in some way like a manmade worm hole ..just a thought ..to ponder lots of things can be pondered i guess ..but we do have the technology to test this in a lab environment with the super colliders  just need some adjustments for the experiment .and who knows maybe this is why some things pop in and out of what we see because to near light speed objects in close range of each other have the effect of faster than light speed travel ..again just guessing ..never mind I forgot about as you approach light speed even if you are running 2 objects one through the other ..the energy or speed will attempt to attain light speed but time dilation and length contraction will prevent that ..I am unsure but I sort of think this contraction is space resisting the speed like my theory shows in the beginning things needed to slow down before it could move because space was a tight ball and all that energy moving rapidly wound it up ..as it slowed ..or cooled same thing to me ..it space expanded .. I will look for  a formula on the two object idea .im sure I was not the only one to think about it ..YUP it actually has very close to my idea in it.. so yes there it is ..the finite time delay introduced by the propagation of light ..in other words ..it never truly reaches even light speed ..the more speed you add the more time delay ..i or as I like to call it ..

If two objects approach at 75 percent the speed of light, why are they not traveling 1.5 times the speed of light?

The special relativistic formula for adding velocities to determine a relative velocity between approaching or receding bodies is:

            v1  +   v2
V  =  -----------------------
                 v1 x v2
        1   +    --------

so that if v1 = 0.75c and v2 = 0.75c then
            0.75  + 0.75
V  =   ------------------------   c
                0.75 x 0.75
         1    + -------------
or V = 0.96c. This means that if you were sitting on either body 1 or body 2 using a clock and a meter stick at rest with respect to you, ( called the 'proper measuring system'), you would note that the relative speeds were 0.96 times the speed of light. If you were sitting on a third body watching these two approach each other using a third reference system, if you did not properly allow for the difference in the time dilation factor, you might be tempted to, say, divide the distance traveled by these two observers on bodies 1 and 2, by the wrong time reference, and end up with a velocity greater than light. The problem is that, because of the finite time delay introduced by the propagation of light, you will get confused in how to measure, simultaneously, when the two bodies arrive at a certain separation that you use to measure their velocity. This is all automatically included in special relativity which gives the correct predictions for all motions near the speed of light.

I am sorry if this explanation is a bit unsatesfying. Some problems that we all have in understanding how nature works, have more to do with our conviction that our intuitions are correct, despite the fact that our intuitions are often flawed in areas of experience outside of our normal environmen


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