When someone means the world to you passes unexpectedly, and as you stand in grief and a person you knew comes to give condolences and gives them to everyone else including one who was an enemy then basically blows you off? Adding insult to injury thanks so much. I suppose its simply an awkward thing all together and was not meant in a bad way but ffs some simple think ahead of how that would appear to someone in deep grief would have gone a long way. not many showed to give me personal support it was all for the ex ..they  show up for the ex which is good she needed it that much I do know .. but with her hundreds of sympathisers and I was walked passed like okay and what did I ever do to you? and You? Sympathy isnt what I wanted at all anyhow I did not need closure and I personally did not need to show up because WHY? shes dead the end . closure is in your face already .  NOW comes the dealing with it part but going to the funeral made it much worse than it needed to be .Its in your face who actually really gave a fuck about you or not.  when you see such a lopsided thing when you haven't EVER tried to offend a soul just the opposite is what your entire damn life attempts had been to reap THIS is not what you sowed fks with your head on MANY LEVELS .. I  did nothing wrong to any of them and wtf .  Hopefully others wont get to experience this shit because it fucks with your mind quite a bit.  

Okay I have other papers I have read and copied will be placing them on here   here is a quote "Coming soon will be complete information on specific elements and showing how this theory explains the properties why these elements would come together .. did you ever think about this what makes them attract? call it strong force but what is this ... magic that says come here ..or a weird gravitational effect? we look close and see two atoms come within range to share an electron for example ..why? what force makes it do this .. and when you remove all reasons one remains .. space be it a type of vaccum needing to be filled and once filled being locked in place by space until a force great enough removes it comes ..think if space is tangible as it is then it not only prevents light from going any faster ..not only locks light in place to follow the "straight lines" and those lines can be curved so we can picture if space on a larger scale was circular and light follows it you can predict in an atom space curved caused from forces deep inside the atom which is scaled down with deep inside the strength of a blackhole  then these objects ie proton electrons are held in place by this same effect .. now some of these objects may even be pieces of space connected directly to where this force originates from ..we really do not know ..but in any case thats not the point the point is that the only real way to get objects to go together and stay there is by space being distorted in such a way they want to go there ...so now i will put different elements on here .."  This will take time but I will get this done as promised.

 To a good friend that has passed on. He had a different way of seeing the world and will be missed, I hope by taking over these pages I do him honor. He sent me the connecting pieces of the works done on these pages.
(The bold will be my words)
 I apologize for password protecting them, this is a temporary "fix" until I and some others can inject the life into some of the partially written down abstract ideas, to make those clear. We are blessed to have on these pages now two Physics Professors working in joint effort. I have also been tasked with up keeping the twitter and Facebook accounts I will strive to do my best there...in closing, to my friend I say "You will  be missed"

These are the basic Brainstorming pages in other words half of this could be pure junk lol however half is not :) point is I have placed on here many things that have lead me to conclude what I have ..much of it is not in full detail as I keep that in my head lucky me and you. I do know that I have many points as to why I think a particular thing so if some points are not strong others however are but for our viewing pleasure I leave even those weaker points here because sometimes the weak points I may  get epiphanies from,this is also an ongoing project so these pages will be being updated over time  . well enjoy you crayz bastards! 

Big bang as is being described did not happen .. but I do say if you go to light speed its all a dot as you slow space expands ..this is it in a basic nutshell .. look at a seed that is planted in the ground as its watered it attains its energy and forms by the information inside it already  to grow into what it will be ,,, in the start was this formation in the universe and like a seed instructions written from within to expand with precise details to form what we are now . 

(This next paragraph below was written shortly before his passing  Aug 17th 2018, I am unsure who was being talked about, he did not leave any information about this paragraph, therefore those that did know him understand many times his messages were coded to clarify ideas ,why all the trouble? If he has solved what he/we feel he has, this was not a bad idea ) ..None the less, this one message is to someone he truly did miss, no codes I can see using the cipher I really hope this was not the reason he chose his "different path". 

Sometime before Aug 17th he wrote 
" Why some people find you of no value to never talk to you again I understand the one but as for the other, NO! ..as if they are somehow better than you ..perhaps they think they are smarter? Either way what has been missed, questions that could have been answered... If you feel a person with a documented genius level IQ was not worth your precious time  I suppose your stupidity was far greater than one could imagine ..This is my goodbye to you ,as I travel a different path."
I am still busy but have been continuing posting against certain beliefs on his behalf as promised (I sorta wished I did not many people will not accept facts and I am not one to debate against ignorance) I really am uncertain why he wanted to keep his passing from his own family I know they will never forgive me but I made a vow to my friend who was more important to me and a family that hardly ever talked with him those that simply snubbed I really do not blame him for only wanting those that loved him to be there! 

I am writing a few Pages on the self organizing universe that I feel is interesting and goes against his normal beliefs but he never shied away from looking at all aspects and then disproving or accepting the conclusions ..He once said "If you need to cling to your beliefs so rigidly as to a crutch perhaps its less about belief and truth and more about your own fears ." 

Tam this is dedicated to you for the years you spent hearing  my Ideas

Debbie, to you as well for the new years ..

I can see I Have my work cut out for me. I want to say in advance I am not up on any science jargon, the physics professors are simply looking at the math on things like (written convoluted within these pages,) The writer believed that if something had no vibrations no movement at all it does not exist .. this checks out properly with the math.
 This may show as suggested by the writer (again buried within these pages) that matter can be destroyed, However in his coded works he states "brought back to its original "non energetic rest state of nothing"  I will assume the idea of "non energetic" means absence of all energy. So I am uncertain if he meant that there was still something left or nothing at all  I still have so much to go through that was sent to me AND all of these pages so this idea should be made clear later after I understand more of this.

This is an update, was a memory I had of something from a while back ..I thought to myself "why is it that if you were to hold a pole say six feet long and the weight is 2 lb, you can grab it at the end and hold straight out it weighs about twenty lbs (The force exerted on the hand holding it) .if you had a small scale in the palm of your hand palm facing down the end of the pole pressing up into the scale in your palm it would indeed register a weight much greater than 2 lbs ..and yet place scale on ground place pole on it straight up horizontally diagonally it will 2 lbs .. I know about the math I get all that but the why the math worked the heart of it the reason why something literally gains weight that it doesn't really weigh  I solved this problem and went online in typical form to see if I was correct ..as I hate cheating hhaha like I want to see if I can figure it out ...and nothing ..found zero on the why of it .. 

   So here is the why of it . when you hold in center pretend its falling as it truly is this is how it gets its weight .. now if we take one end and it the end farthest away from us it moves a foot at the palm it moves an inch ..this means that end travels much further during the same time as the end held in our hand ..this fall is think of it like a whip it travels up the pole to our hand this is why the math works ..its probably a known thing but we are never told the why it gets heavier at that end nor do people I know actually think about that fact if they do it becomes puzzling because we were not told why .. but yes this is how now you can do the math and figure out the lbs of pressure of force applied at the end ... I suppose it is a simple thing to some people but if you never thought deeply about some of the stuff you learned it may be surprising to you .lol .

I have been tossing ideas on these pages sure there are some errors of thought possibly because i have not picked them apart I just toss em here so I do not forget them ..I have quite a bit more thought out ones as well just allot to type out here lol.... there is a fairly good foundation to what I have written ..and I have evidences for the main points that are solid ..some thought experiments may not be quite strong enough to prove my main points even if the main point is solid science ..a for instance is gravity we know is true ..all my thought experiments point to what causes it it makes sense but can i prove it for sure NO ...however unless we can examine it who can prove for sure anything..a time experiment it seems that with the guided power of a black hole that if it can fold space so light follows it like a straight line if we can take this and move images back in a straight line to the person they came from it appears to rewind time ..this with numerous other experiments seems like since all frequencies of light and even brain waves included will go back wards to that person I figure a very physical response happens not just ghost images ..I have other thought experiments backing that up so on and such again no actual proof just the connection that a black hole stops time and it does it at the point that light is trapped ie the black hole power is strong enough to fold space and force light to move differently ..the way i am doing it forcing light to go in reverse in a similar method focusing a black holes energy to make it do what we want ..seems plausible meaning the reversal of time but does not seem doable in real life for an experiment ..we would be crushed this is why we need to understand what is making space fold ..I doubt the only way is to have gravitational crushing force ...this is why I do hope the higgs bolson is legit and not cloud painting with vibrational pressures because then there could be a way to remove the crushing force and keep the results ..who knows..or artificially produce it with other means ..we will see I have ideas about the how ..

UPDATE FROM WHAT WAS GIVEN : As said prior I am continuing efforts for my friend . This is thought should go here while I work on the others reconstructing everything I have not read through the other 1200 pages of thoughts with codes on many its a bit daunting how "organization" to one is completely disorganized to another .

He theorized IF multiple universes do exist that blackholes do connect them in other words there is only the same blackhole in each universe this binds them all together  not that there is only 1 black hole but if we have a trillion black holes every universe shares these black holes.. 

This page and the following pages are a collection of some connecting thoughts on my ideas and I have left out quite a few so far but will put them down as I update and move along ..

thoughts that will be on here are of  my earlier thoughts and may not be correct based on my "theory", but I still get good ideas from them and they helped me answer questions that led to my conclusions, I have the thoughts that are fun, others thoughts left out the questions I answered to arrive at its conclusions to save typing .some of the thoughts I thought about the wrong way but they are my ideas and thoughts that lead me to my conclusions, so enjoy if you can :)

by the time this is done I will have put my whole theory on here and it will be in simple enough form with no math I will leave that to mathematicians since I am not one of those lol..and my ideas should make it so that everyone will be able to understand

I will put down thought experiments and "evidences" to back them up as needed and I will try to present more than 1 evidence and thought experiment to help clarify for a person who does not understand the way the first idea was represented..

My "Theory"  seems to have passed the initial test phase, I posted in a few places and over 300 people have looked at it with no one saying or showing it was wrong (and trust me they want to tear you up lol ..which is good though for real ) and with quite a few physicists looking at it, if there was a hole they most likely  would have found it and let me know where and why I was wrong I have talked to a few in person and again my ideas seem to be ok  ,I also specifically asked for anyone to show me why my theory(hypothesis was wrong..so I will continue to make this into a publishable material that can be viewed and understood by hopefully everyone.. 

if this book is received well I will then make one based on the proper scientific terms and mathematics that are needed but trust me if you see math in it the math was NOT done by me :) ..all to often does someone want to understand a science book  and they are slammed with math and needing a mathematician and a dictionary to understand exactly what the math is and also what the heck is being said. With me the only thing you will need is a philospher to decipher what the heck I am saying and how can someone have full sentence dyslexia!  

Over the past few years I have come up with enough ideas to finally conclude (at least to me ) the theory of everything. 

Looking at it now, the Concept was so simple I do not know how I missed it ..I started out by looking at the different types of effects of energies and how they can be converted to one another (some) even how some atoms decay into others  ..but mainly for some reason,
     Time distortion, I was interested in and by trying to figure out how to alter it ,slow it ..stop it, I realized an energy was there at the heart of it and it lead me to motion OF COURSE  and then everything lead to motion and knowing that motion needed a "shell" to hold it all if speed or motion had no limiter there would be no motion or speed it would be instant all the time, SO, it lead to one conclusion space for the shell 

Time lead me to motion because I realized without motion you have no time and I realized Gravity  coming directly from motion as well and gravity pulling on the "stuff" we are made of which "stuff" gravity is also made of! ya its a bit so simple that its actually like seriously?

    but when I am done I think you will get how and why it has to be the way I am thinking. wrong or right, the idea felt and still is, interesting ...very much so ..

so  I am going to show how everything is made up of motion and space this includes gravity it is NO different all things are made up of motion and space...space to allow motion to have its shape by the way it moves within space and its shape being formed by space "encapsulating " all the different types of motion (vibrations are mainly what I mean when referencing motion . so the word motion covers every type).  I will show how all energy is produced in this way and how everything is made by this.

So I needed a theory name and decided to call it "The Moving Toe" hehehe  moving because of motion and toe which is a known  shortened name for theory of everything.

well,here are  some earlier ideas that i finally blogged out , when the realization set in  ..so Starting below.

Since this blog is going to keep getting larger as  information is added, I will place in Bold letters UPDATE followed by a 1 or2..3 depending on which one.. so anyone that, for whatever self torturous reason is reading this you can just scroll down to where you left off...

I decided to just type out my ideas and group them all individually and slowly put them all together as coherently as possible...
 so, they will be disjointed with no connection at first and will take a considerable amount of time... I will also be typing out different theoretical types of inventions based on the conclusions of my Ideas.

 So, basically these blogs from this point on, are for gathering up my ideas so I can assemble them all together.

I believe I have solved enough of the problems...to present  information that will all flow together .. each one having physical proofs as well as thought proofs to back them up ...

These blogs are also going to be filled with me asking myself questions as they come up and will be saved on here unfinished and cut off ...sometimes in mid sentence, because I now feel I have too many ideas in my head,
that I have to save them somewhere and if on my hard drive and my computer crashes that will be so much fun,,

So anyone is welcome to read these but just know it will be just real time type pondering and typing out individual ideas that may end mid sentence and incomplete but I will try not to do that. do not feel obligated  to read these unless of course you want to ..I will try to structure it and explain as best I can for anyone who is interested ...ok enough said I will start..

 1a..Different ways on how to distort
 1b.. Physical +thought experimental proofs ..
 1c..Possible conclusions.

  1a. Thought, motion,gravity and space

this should allow someone to agree with the possibility of time distortion

 The energy of thought should distort time..the faster we think the longer a second should seem  to pass for us...thinking 1000 thoughts in a second compared to 1 per second  (this is with absorbing each thought, meaning how we ponder when we think about our thoughts.. so I mean thinking 1000 times faster in all areas of thought).putting this thought here so update ..it appears that the energy of thought would expand / repel space away from you sort of like thinning the layers of it ..where as a blackhole does the opposite pulls space in to it.you should also think if we could look out of a blackhole and see people ,we would see them aging and dying probably near instant depending on where we are in the black hole meaning how much it effects time...now with thought we wud see people not moving ..a question you may think is do we die fast ? I have to conclude that because we have equalized time through thought this may be the reason we will not age rapidly  also if we were in a blachole and time has topped but people outside of it go on normally and we see if possible them live and die in moments ..now we speed up thinking to equal the rate of speed they see experiencing so now we can see in their time level every tick of the clo k ..does that nean we age as fast ..i dont think so we see still in a black hole s ..just add light speed travel and we now can move around to match our thought speed if thinking speed does not naturally increase movement speed..take this idea as well we think till someone stops moving now we throw in light speed and then we compress space more and more until we can now see them moving normally ..lol .ok so i so think that speeding thoughts up will have a physical effect naturally your entire body enters the new time zone so to speak ..if in a blackhole a person outside wud appear to move at light speed us matching this speed would allow us to see whats going on .. cus another thing that also helps to prove instant travel if light speed is reached ..we could walk across the universe if we were thinking at energy levels that stopped time and it would appear to others we arrived immediately and note this mode of travel would make it be that no one wud be any older again as long as our equalizing time means there is not time even for us in this scenario somewhere in this large heap of ideas is this thought ..every motion is eternal you can weed through layers of time and get what i mean by thinking of a camera or video capturing each movement of a scene ..the faster video camera will capture much more if the same scene so if we cud a speed up a camera it will continually capture more of the scene and if u follow this thought u get it can to the camera capture millions of hours of data in a 1 second frame ..to it ..or to us a trillion terabytes or more i. a second ..well if we cud do this with our minds ..decode a scene in amazing detail and adsorb all information in it ..we cud and should see it slow down to a crawl another way to look at it is if we magnified the scene of a leaf blowing in the wind we would see more and more of the things we missed   .because of the reaction of light speed travel shrinking which in essence allows us in a thinner layer of space and thought have similar effects
with an exception that light speed travel an energy seems to encase us and others would age by the time we made a trip across the universe and continued without slowing by circling and coming back 
keep increasing thinking speed of thought and your second will become longer and longer not the persons next to you however. but, the person next to you should seem to slow down the faster we think the longer it will seem to us that this person is taking to respond or move...if we continue to think even faster we should eventually see this person stop moving.  we can mentally observe the effects of gravity or lack of with shrinking down and  we can also do it with growing and can reason this if you have a person a trillion light years large they are naturally in a spot of space time that is kike a black hole ..if we place an expanding universe starting at his belly by the time it reaches the ends societies would have lived and died ..this huge being would naturally live trillions if years or more ..same as if someone was in a blackhole ..why are they equal energies ..in a black hole if space is. compressed so u can have millions of miles if it  in a six ft space so that if we walk to the end of six feet it will mean it took us ...to someone else ....the length of time it would take to walk that distance naturally ..to us it was quick

Here I will place a thought I reconstructed from his papers that blends in with thinking hopefully I do it some justice

If we look at each atom in our bodies each one deep inside has the power of a mini black hole .as you may know this has time altering affects blackholes do ..so that before the neurons fire giving us thoughts THIS is first this area I can see all of it connected in a webbing but we look up instead of down at it, we are in the inside looking up and outward do our thoughts come from this place? ..  this is the quantum area where time is distorted do we move in and out of time here?  I then ask is it not true that this force does in the long run hold together all we see from the inside to the outside?
I believe this may be the case did we come from this darkness did this universe come from this very thing all connected we do know that each blackhole is as old as the universe it must be all things really are ..are they not?

is the case? each part held in place by the constant pull of a mini blackhole and yet each one remaining due to a repelling force of this very same force? all things wanting to pull in as this neutralizes the pull of the others each not allowing the other to do it as they fight for the right to annihilate us !  How can we have a universe of love coming from utter darkness I feel empty here gazing into this void of death ..this is where we exit as we recede back from death to run as it were to recede inward in the mind as we die till we reach here! This is where it ends and how long that takes do we get pulled into this blackness as mere thought inverted are we snuffed out .we really do not understand self aware is ..

we know if some damage happens we can no longer be self aware if the brain is damaged but do we know that we do not become aware here as I fully doubt injury can touch this .. is this where and why near death happens do we create a painting of what we want to see here on our journey back to nothing ? Our minds maybe linked all of us here its all the same here the very beginning and no most will not know what i am talking about I understand this but if you understood blackholes all lead to the same age when they were formed then you would get that it is all truly connected back to this wretched place its one big place the beginning .. and our end they are both the same. I think I will be leaving soon ..

(Update I corrected some of the above typing I can safely assume he used his phone or was drunk ..and since he did not drink the former is to be concluded.)

another thought if we travel at light speed things outside wud go whizzing by at blinding speed but if we increased thinking speed to match this so we now see everything clearly did we neurralize lightapeed travel so do we see in real tine everything we are passing by ..or do we see clearly the distance contracted and where we get off this ride?
 At light speed time has become non existent...because 1 second there at light speed and a huge span of time passes by out here)
the possibility of time distortion is pretty convincing in Thought speed..  we see it possible through faster thinking ...

lightspeed travel stopping Time is pretty well known already.. so I will not get into the ins and outs of this...anyone reading this if you want to find out more about it check online the different proofs .'

black hole  known effects..time is stopped in a black hole..problem with Gravity and why this again shows my theory to be correct again.  
Light is clearly affected by gravity, just think about a black hole, but light supposedly has no mass and gravity only affects objects with mass. On the other hand, if light does have mass then doesn't mass become infinitely larger the closer to the speed of light an object travels.
So encase people do not understand my theory shows Gravity is not needed and actually hinders the understanding of what is going on . BUT if sometimes I say gravity ...I am saying space from vibrational frequencies pulling on it and or pushing bending whatever ..then space in return affects other objects of matter . skim over 101 

known effects to be described later
Guess its later : space is effected by  motion ..I understand the concept space/time ..but I like the idea space/movement .time is included by default if you have movement you have a measurable time and you also have distance that can be measured ..granted its not as catchy a name as space/time lol ..with movement it moves only as fast as space allows it to move ..the top speed seems to be 186,000 mi per second ..roughly ..though some other things like an expanse is supposedly able to go slightly faster without breaking any "laws" who knows I always question when an idea pops up if the powers that be need there to be this expanse to patch up some area that is not going as planned ..sort of like the way they continue to "find" the age of the universe being much older ..

So far we have a few different ways to distort time (there are more but these will do for now) and have in the process solved a paradox, which should indicate we are on the right track...

light speed travel,  time stops ..  black hole ..time stops , thinking infinite thoughts ...time has stopped due to thinking on all numbers in a second...  the paradox of a second being made up of infinite numbers and yet a second is not infinite has been "solved" by an energy that allows us to move past all those numbers  and as some evidence for this we have  energies counteracting this energy. in a black hole and at light speed

now a few questions and a paradox appears of course it has to, how else would I be able to go insane if these things didn't just keep appearing...

there is a problem...  with time stopping in a black hole ,you go in and a moment later you step out and yet a thousand years could have past by....

with light speed you have the same effect ...

however with speed of thought, even though you have a build up of energy coming from your mind with the firing of neurons  once you come out of that speed of thought you may only end up in the present.

so either I am wrong and time will pass the same as if you are in a black hole.and at light speed or I am right and it will not and you end up in the present ..or I am wrong and time will not distort (which I do have some evidence that time is distorted through thought so I feel I am not wrong)

so assuming I am correct that time distorts and I end up still in the present..UPDATE ..I have to say that with thought "energy" if you speed it up to thinking a life time of thoughts in a second to someone do we age that life time it seems thought energy would indeed move us to a different layer of time ..the same type of energy that happens if we were to shrink to the size of a quark ..if we see the sun its really moving fast well you get what i mean but it takes hours to cross the horizon ..with shrinking and seeing a persons hand i would say it would take a long time to see this persons hand move from point a to point b we could think quite a bit of thoughts during that time way faster then they could ..so it seems interesting that speed of thought matches this ..do not forget that physical reactions happen to produce this change the brain would be rapid firing compared to the other "thinker" and this physical energy distorts time ..smae with shrinking a physical reaction would take place ..and things on that level move naturally faster so time is sped up the smaller you get ..basically the brain can alter time ..some may say its perception of time i disagree because if ones brain was to be energized that fast pretty sure the body will follow so your speed of motion would be naturally faster as well and to you..you would be wondering why this person stopped moving ..now understanding that each atom we have in us deep down is about the strength of a black hole pound for pound ..if we could harness that energy the energy we use all the time anyhow ..who knows?

 the conclusion may be that time distortion has more than a couple types of energy in it with black hole  and light speed (which I have figured all along) and the great thing is i can use words like may and possibly or I think and if I am wrong I can defend myself with saying i didn't say for sure lol...

 and with thought we probably have less energy to distort time (not leaving out the possibility that there could actually be more types of energy not less..  which could be the case... I will hurl my self in front of a bus.. problem solved!) 

the reason why less types of energy is  reasonable is because you can stop time with thought, and there may just not be enough energy to be able to effect "something" that would make us appear years and years in the future..we need to solve what that "something" is ...and also I could be reinventing the wheel and that "something" could be known already  in which case I could have been past this crap, but then what fun would it have been... I have reinvented a few wheels though

(also need to remember the possibility that light speed and black holes do not alter time...  but thought experiments and physical data seem to indicate it is as sound as the reality of the infinite amount of numbers that = 1 second which is verified through simple math..) mushing on

(also not forget that maybe more types of energies was needed to hold us in the present ) which can be presented in this way.... thinking of time as a current and flying at a high rate of speed (light speed) is like going with the current and thought is like going against the current stubbornly staying in place refusing to go to the next second..

though it still would not prove more types of energies or less..because we could be closer to staying in a second through thought than we are to staying in a second at light speed ..there are also quite a few other ways to look at this but I will pick these because they seem to stand out the most to me anyway,,,,

well thats a skimming look at a couple things .... now I have to pool in some information from as many facts as I can and see what happens..

if I cannot solve this I will just move on with the known and the "known" to me blend them and come back to it,

 if I was correct with some of my main ideas it should solve itself... 

Ok I updated this last night and for some reason it did not go through and I lost it which is annoying.

anyhow I am closer to solving the problem and  getting some interesting ideas.. I realize there is some major differences in the way we stopped time in a black hole,light-speed and thought..

these differences indicate that there may be a different energy that may not kill you and yet will distort time ..or there may be a different energy that will kill you and distort time lol..or it may be an energy that is in all time stopping events and can be filtered out ..or..grr... whatever the case, there seems to be an energy that stops time and seems to prevent "jumping" into the future..

the diffences in the events ...in light-speed and black-holes the energy is coming from an outside source ..all of it.. motion.. gravity all and with thought it is coming from an inside source your mind (neurons) ..also the forces at work in the blackhole and at lightspeed  have to do with extreme gravity and motion..

with thought there is motion from the rapid firing of neurons .but doubtful it produces the energy of physically moving at light speed or the gravitational field of a blackhole
so.. I figure it is not as deadly as the others and shows some other force at work a force that we may be able to artificially recreate and use with much more safety and not having to brag to people we never met before because we could come out of the time stopping event in the present time, not far in the future like with light speed travel and blackhole funness :) all who we knew have been dead for centurys lol..(so there may be a new invention on the way)
clarify a bit ,with lightspeed and blackhole energy results = jump in future to stop your time..thought energy, may have no jump into future effects. the events that cause time stopping is not what i look at.. I see different energies being produced through these events and see that other events may produce these same energies on a larger or smaller scale and i see that an artificial way to produce theses same energies is possible..also blending these same energies to give you a desired result..

hey, if I am totally wrong then this would still make for a good scifi theme hehehe...

well the differences in the way time is distorted are enough (apparently) to allow for coming back to the present, only if you use the energy of thought (so it seems right now)...I am also trying not to think of

"since  thought energy is inside us and in stopping time the other ways it is from the out side ..and in those examples a moment passing can be thousands of years when you come back out..then isnt it possible that with thought energy you may not come back to the actual present.. but some how be in the past and the future just kept going for thousands of years there by proving an odd kind of time travel to the past?" what sucks is it makes a certain amount of sense (I think) :)

when you look at the other ways, if you were to think in a blackhole or at light speed you may get a couple thoughts and when you step back out these couple thoughts translate to maybe a couple thousand years (or way more) had past  ...

in time distortion through thought it is the opposite you get huge amount of thinking in a short amount of time ..but to distort time through thought energy maybe the freaky things wont happen or maybe they would only happen at a certain point if at all...
Well today has been very difficult for me ..so many thoughts and problems with paradoxes as the icing, I will say nothing feels real and for sure nothing is as it seems. Oh well moving on..

there is an energy that exists in all 3 time distortion examples and this energy is in "thought", a blackhole and lightspeed travel.. or it is different energy in "thought" and the same in lightspeed travel and a blackhole  

I can see lightspeed travel and a blackhole having the same type of energy distorting time because with lightspeed in a ship by the time you hit lightspeed there would be a great amount of "energy/s" built up around the ship probably equivilent to the amount of energy/s needed to stop time in a blackhole
and in both cases you stop time.you step in this energy you made by traveling at lightspeed or by blackhole energy for a moment (to you) and you come out  years have gone by for someone who was not in the blackhole or in your ship which traveled at light speed.

so for now I am going to believe that it is the same type of energy for those 2 events lightspeed and blackhole and
.now we see how thought energy fits in.. we can tell there will be a building up of energy/s through faster thinking  and the faster we think the slower time will seem

now it makes me think.. in a blackhole or in a spaceship at lightspeed our watch will be normal to us..but in the case of thought... our watch will be getting slower and slower. As we watch the seconds pass on it... the faster we think ...this is very significant
 and the time passing at a normal rate to us in a blackhole and at lightspeed also links those two as carrying the same energy/s again... so more evidence..

ok to sum this up and link ideas we have

lightspeed,blackhole and thought each has the ability to stop time with enough build up energy/s   this unites them

blackhole and lightspeeds source of energy comes from an outside source thought comes from an inside source   blackhole and lightspeed stay united in this example thought does not

time looks the same to us in a blackhole and with lightspeed looks the same  with thought it does not, as thought speeds up we see the seconds slowing, this seperates again, thought energy from lightspeed and blackhole energy

when we are in the blackhole or at lightspeed and step out years could have gone by and with thought you more than likely never leave the present,, and seems almost possible that the present could keep going and you stay behind....

 but I have no evidence of this unless I can prove it is exactly the opposite energy of the blackhole and lightspeed energy and even then. does not mean it has to be.. But this further separates thought from blackhole and lightspeed energy and keeps blackhole and lightspeed energy looking very similar..

So in conclusion thought energy should be different than lightspeed and blackhole energy. the reason I am not saying "is". is because I have not looked at the force of gravity and motion interacting on thought and by looking I mean an example in nature or a thought experiment that makes sense....

a quick glance at this would seem  thought energy seems to be different energy no matter what and feel it is almost pointless to come up with a thought experiment or an example in nature (if one exists) however I can not let this go and this needs to be as thoroughly thought out as possible.

so; into a blackhole we go lol   hmm..we go there because we need to use its energy as an example and yes we need to be reved up on thinking powers let infinite thoughts and time collide with infinite time and gravity 

so before we go in we have slowed time to a nill with thought, we move to go into the blackhole which if we stopped time through thought we would not get there

..ok we are in the black hole and as time just starts to stop in the blackhole for the onlooker outside because time would seem the same to us in there.. ok now we stop time by thinking as well..

time would be running very fast outside of the black hole normally  and years would be going by rapidly  people outside the blackhole  would be thinking lots of thoughts before you ever thought one..

 now we take the infinite thinking in with us ..ok in a blackhole, for clarity pretend 1 second in there = 10 years to the outside person  if the outside person thinks 10 thoughts per second that is 315,569,260 in 10 years  and you thought 10 thoughts in your 1 second in the black hole  now we turn on our thinking speed to equal the persons outside we now think 315,569,260 thoughts in a second there by we have matched the time outside hmm..it looks like thought energy enabled us to be able to think at the same speed as our on looker could (to us) so now we can see our on looker aging at a normal speed ..if we did not think extremely fast he would be dead before we thought a few thoughts .because a person outside the blackhole energy is not in a time stopping event and would see us as stopped so 1 second our time could equal centuries and longer his time..but we used the energy created in very very fast thinking to enable us to catch up to the speed that the person outside the black hole was thinking (compared to us) and we have managed to catch up to his time frame..so we can match thought for thought with him..

 it "made" time go by at a rate equal to how long all those thoughts should have taken....
or thought neutralized the way the blackhole did not allow us to get all those thoughts in ..you know what this experiment actually does show me that thought energy is different than the others...and seems almost opposite effects...of what blackhole and lightspeed energy does

so it is fairly safe in concluding that thought energy is different..
On to gravity ok now we will look at gravity what it is where it is from and other questions..
ok gravity is basically a warping of space time  picture our earth on a trampoline a very large one lol  it is in the middle, the trampoline is spacetime (only the part you stand on not the legs and metal frame ) the trampoline will indent ...now any round object you place on the trampoling will want to roll to our earth ..this is the basic idea  in science and it fits in with my thoughts, so it has to be true

ok from this idea we see we have the earth and it is made up of Matter. now earlier in another blog, I stated I felt spacetime leaked from matter which I still believe and I described why and I said other energies as well ..well this is one of the other energy/s  I do not have a name for it so I will call it "hmm..energy " for now

 this energy is released from an atom or bunches of atoms  and it directly effects spacetime which produces our seen and felt effect ....gravity 

what I am getting at here is that this energy effects spacetime before gravity,..gravity is not there until these conversions happen ,so we are isolating an energy that effects time before crushing gravity comes into play..and I relate this  to the energy in thought, I blogged about above..this energy may very well avoid any crushing gravity.. I can see "if" you could distort time without space no gravity should happen and we would be safe theoritically lol...(this is of course a huge "if")

I am going in a few directions right now ie.. to show an energy that effects time, to show why there may be a couple different ones, to show why it could be the same one.. getting the facts from other areas to show if it is the same or not..

I am also building my case up for where spacetime is coming from, showing a possible way to isolate the different energies and possibly use them..Solving of a couple of paradoxes as a result of this line of thought 

to show the strength of an atom deep inside ..to also show strong evidence for complete craziness that is going on deep inside an atom all related to time distortions, to build up a case for distortion of only time and using motion as a piece of this puzzle,,,,there are actually lots more things but this will do and I am building it up, so this small list will help me not go to far off track
Oh yes before I forget also since the energy that effects space time and creates gravity by effecting spacetime if this energy can be isolated... an invention can be made to possibly shield it out this energy enough to stop it from affecting spacetime on an object and by doing this will create much less up to the point of no gravity..

 this shielding my be placed around some craft and might stop gravity from effecting it (kind of like a cloak but against gravity) and the ultimate will be a reverse force against this energy which will allow us to repel off it, I do not want to call it anti gravity since we are dealing directly against the energy that is responsible for gravity..isnt that about the same thing? Maybe

but, we are more at the heart of what is causing gravity and hiting it there not directly reacting against the outcome of this energy which is gravity.


ok another thought about spacetime and that gravity is a product of an "energy" effecting spacetime and this then  produces gravity and that time distortion is caused by this "energy" before gravity is produced and may be safe, is ..shrinking yourself (ok here me out lol)

 if you were to shrink down smaller and smaller  it seems you would begin to distort time as well. which may be shown by the fact that you would begin being able to see objects that move at or near light speeds

 especially if you shrank down to the point that they were the size of  houses compared to you..and since you are made up of energy you may be able to move as fast now and I see no reason why not since other particles do and lightspeed or near lightspeed travel with something that has mass, which you would have,
 would distort time and added to this the physical scientific "proof"
muons(heavy electrons) move at near lightspeed and have been shown to display time dilation,,they do not disintergrate as quick as they should (by our perception of time) if they distort time as much as is thought its gravity should be much less than that of say earth in comparison...

there are however possible ways to think that may disprove this thought.. such as for its size, it probably has enormous amounts of gravity, so that if you were able to  shrink and ride on one (yeehaw!) you may be crushed  (booo) BUT,

I think if we were this size if we move our arm quickly, I do not think it would be a crushing force on us, also just the act of getting tiny should not make gravity feel stronger it should feel weaker, especially since all the the micro objects seems to be naturally quicker, making a stronger conclusion for less gravity acting on them not more which would be in agreement with  the physical evidence, the larger you get the more gravity... plain and simple. So this seems to be more evidence for time distortion without the need for there to be gravity..
Ok I need to momentarily go back to time distortion through thinking and compare it to that of a blackhole  again to get a better understanding about what could be going on ...

so the reality of  a second is truly infinite and is truly not, this paradox is not as shocking, understanding that there is an energy that allows us to move passed all the infinite numbers that make up a second and we should understand from all the evidence that a second is not "simply man made time so it can be as long or short as we make it", since we see now that something physical actually occurs and effects a very physical time.

ok in a blackhole,a moment can be thousands of years  passed outside yet we have not aged in the blackhole... so time, if we could see it from the blackhole and looked out a type of window.. the people out there would be going in super fast mode there time is speeding by ...we would feel normal our watch would look normal... 

taking that information and reflect it on thinking faster and faster ,if we doubled our thinking speed it would appear to us that if there was an observer with us that they would be slowing down and our watch would be slowing down to us as well, this is the opposite effect of the blackhole..

now we change positions we are the observer looking at a person in a blackhole we would see them come to a stop and stay stopped and we would grow old and die before we saw them move ...

would we age and die rapidly in milliseconds thinking fast if it is the opposite of a blackhole,  basically it would place us like an observer outside of a black hole were of course the person inside the blackhole would see the person outside age and die instantly? ..there is  other ways to think of it 

1. we in the blackhole are launched in the future and so if it is an opposite energy we in the infinite thought may be launched into the past...there are several ideas branching off  this line of thought,, like,

we stay in our second and the present moves away from us becoming the future and we are in the past now, so have time traveled in a weird way..

we stay in that second and come out no harm no foul lots of things can happen and with more information we will narrow it down later.

well continuing on....an energy here that distorts time ..and seems to be seperate from the one in the black holes ...

 it does not matter much if we die or turn into a frog from the newly discovered energy, our goal was to see if  it is seperate from gravity, which I believe is shown to be ..  so we can move on now.

 later on we will see what happens and the best way to use this energy.

well I actually could have skipped over this stuff in favor of an easier time putting my thoughts together from start to finish but I wanted to show the different energies that I figured most likely are there and on my way through these thoughts again, i wanted this time to get a feel for how these energies may work.

one of the energies that I felt was here came from the thought I had years ago and is written above...wondering how we manage to pass through each moment or second when it is infinite.. so an "energy" answered this question and now you look for it to back up your answer and you know if it helps to solve a pardox and you see a blackhole stops this energy from letting time pass, just like moving at lightspeed does as well making it more a fact, then you have hit on something! and by revealing this energy you now have revealed another energy that effects time and does not need gravity and well we will continue along and maybe we will see others on the way "home"..


Ok now we will incorporate motion.. this energy will be used to see its interaction with the others, to help separate and clarify as much as possible what "the others" are exactly doing and if they can be separated, or if  actually these new ones which seem to exist,actually exist.. this may help to reveal this and give a better view of what they do.

Ok, in an earlier blog (which I removed because I was constructing this pain in the ass one)..I had said that motion was an intrical part of time and I believed more so than space.. these next thoughts will help to show why and we will see where or if it goes from here..

Ok motion we can agree must have a driving force in order for something to move ..you push a ball you are the driving force. now atoms and the subatomic particles move constantly and as a matter of fact there is not one piece of matter that does not have motion of some sort in it.

we use motion to time something, without motion you can not time anything.
 sun comes up and goes down, we time it, we know that at 10 pm it is dark..we use our watches, digitil, wind up, hour glass, sundial ,anything to do with measuring time requires movement in someway

if we were to take away motion out of everything what would it be like?
I would like to start with a human ..we take all motion out of a human ..brain activity ..every single movement of any atom any biological process motion  any form of energy leakage it is all stopped abruptly..

so we have no decay because this to is motion so nothing will happen no aging at all because aging requires a slow natural decline in biological process which cannot happen since we stopped it and it is "froze" there at that spot..

you may be able to tell that we can leave a person like this for a billion years and nothing would happen .. because no motion is there at all..we can use this kind of thinking on any piece of matter. this is a strange thing, if we restart a person in a billion years they restart and everything ticks away like nothing happend (and nothing did happen to this the person.

I believe that by doing this we actually stopped time.. no motion ..no time ..time needs motion to work. if time is not moving into the future, then no future.. because no time is there. in what I have been blogging, the evidence is there for this..
if you travel at light speed time has stopped for you the traveler ..this leads me to believe that you caught up to timespeed and neutralized it and lightspeed has motion which you used to "catch" Time or get away from it,either way it is motion and time is moving..
more proof is with a blackhole, gravity is so strong that it bends space, and light gets trapped as well and time gets distorted... well something about gravity that  is known is... you guessed it ..it moves rather quickly(not meaning how fast we are being pulled to the earth this is different) .. guess how fast? yep lightspeed.

 so it seems fairly obvious that we can assume Time is moving and can be caught up to like in lightspeed travel, or stopped by a concentration of energy by way of the blackhole ..all these time stopping ways we have discussed has to do directly with movement, but doesnt this movement generate a strong energy field? Yes

this field can be questioned in a couple of ways..  these fields are affecting time because they have motion, without this movement time would not be affected..also I believe the field itself to actually be a build up of Time and space.the more of it you have the more you caught up to it.. it is really hard to explain this Idea. and it may be I am re inventing a wheel here ..I will get back to this later..  the thing to get out of this is that without motion nothing would happen..

I hopefully have shown you that Time and space are moving, space is expanding along as time moves but through motion, this is the key.. you take motion out of this time stops, vanishes ..you are left with the space that was created...

back to our human example you took motion out of the human, time has stopped in him/her ..what is left is space that was created by all the biological processes (the body, this is the space that is left) 

Now can we look at it like time is there? I do not believe so, because I would have to ask, can we look at it like motion is there? we can say no on that one for sure.. Can we say Motion IS Time? I do not think so, 

I have thought that if you stop all motion, then the matter the motion is being stopped in will disappear, but this would disprove the long known "law" that energy cannot be destroyed it is only converted the disappearing of energy is the total loss of energy..

however if we are allowed to have time and motion disappear and space stays... this is separation of space from time which also breaks the "law" ..lol

this is not what we are getting at yet, we will come back to these things later as well, I am still looking at different time distorting energies. and if you can truly control motion (all of it) then you do have control of time also.
Ok we see the unusual happen when we remove motion ...but how do we remove motion from an object and examine the effects? there are a number of ways ..but lets go with this one, we take an atom away from any other atoms ..as a matter of fact why don't we create a large void with no motion and it is therefore the coldest it can ever get.
well with no other energy around just our lonely atom  no heat, nothing ..our atom will shut off  ie.. frozen,  now, does it vanish or just remain "frozen".. these are interesting questions.. that I think will be answered adequately later ..but again I am only looking at time effects and energies to build a larger  picture ..

as an object looses motion it gets "colder"(atomic level motion when I say this) we feel colder in winter due to less motion less energetic particles keeping us warm..when you burn yourself it is because  "over zealous" particles "rubbed" us faster than our under energetic atoms wanted

well anyway without any other energetic atoms around this lonely atom will stop even a group of them like a person there is not enough to keep motion going ..

in a refrigerator vegetables last longer than outside in the warmth  things slow down in the cold.. and last longer..  these things happen due to lack of motion and this does suggest it effects time,clocks do slow in the cold as well(though nothing major of a difference) ..the very act of motion being slowed down because of lack of motion around , gives us some insights to how energy is effected ..So how it seems here, is no energy can be created or destroyed, here in our spacetime bubble.

however if  we manage to make something that can stop all motion, then I do not know if this saying holds up ...because with no motion there is no energy and matter is made up of energy, which is always moving, this movement is most likely why we have matter in the first place .  if so, then to stop its movement will stop the energy and a stopped energy is a sad energy,a not energy... a no energy.(remember I mean on the subatomic level that motion)

Is it possible to completely stop all energy in something? I have to say, yes it is theoretically possible to stop it.
 they have not done it yet, by artificial means, but very close ..I mean  0.1k (-273.05c).

in all of space there is no point of absolute 0 because of some sort of heat exchange  even the tiniest bit of motion means there is some form of heat.

 if 2 people where 400 kilometers apart  there is still heat exchange, minuscule as it is..... like  0.1k  (-273.05c) so, at absolute zero (-273.15c) you place 2 people at 400 km apart and they will raise the temperature from -273.15c to a balmy -273.05c  I can just feel the warmth ..

well anyway I need to stay on course here..temperature affects time but as you see temperature is directly related to motion..  they also have used lasers to slow down an atom to almost absolute zero as well, this is motion affecting motion ..which is kind of neat and of course brings up other questions which I will not get into yet.

well we see there are different ways to effect motion which in return will effect time, I still do not like the bitter cold however but we will not be crushed by gravity either lol  ..we will see if there is yet another way ..besides I want a freaky time distortion device one that makes everyone else look like slow mo and you look to them like mr speedy :)  but this is again not what the goal is... it is to

see what hidden energies may be there what you could do with them (so I guess my freaky device is somewhat in context lol) how it all flows together..

the different paradoxes.. if by learning about these different energies will it solve them or some of them  ..this along with other questions should naturally be answered if we are on the right track ..

 if there is nothing around this atom and it stops, does this mean something was working against the atoms motion? or did the energy just run out and disappear? if it does then since the whole atom is motion different levels of energies making up the atom then the atom should disappear.

 if the atom just went poof and vanished due to no motion, what is that saying? each tiny piece of matter is just different rates of motion.   which really it seems to be... every type of energy is made up of different motions vibrational rates of speed ,all of it is motion related and guided again by other types of motions  ..all working off each other.

this freezing made the atom lose its motion,, from the outside we see in slow motion the atom slowly slow down now we shrink down tiny and see the parts that are moving, that make up say neutron, they slow to a stop but even those parts are an energy field even the smallest part has to be..  if all matter is energy and energy is motion ..

so in this scenario it is looking very much like matter would disappear..each motion..energy "the fabric" of the atom would stop and vanish, electron would stop and the energy field that makes the electron up would stop, just stop, quarks there energies would slow and disappear..

if matter is energy and energy is motion, then this energy would be destroyed.

next I am going to add time and space in this and see how it fits, an initial thought is time is very connected to motion and however if there is no space there can be nowhere to move so maybe no motion or time without space (Unless the energy of motion was powerful enough to create space).

without time there can be no motion,no space created without time or motion
it still "feels" like you might be able to have the space left that was created, if you take time and motion out, space may be left and not destroyed   its like it becomes the void I spoke of possibly....

the question is did motion and time create space? the matter that we have has time motion and space all through every part.was this motion so forceful that it made space happen? this seems to fit here..

 did matter create the expanding spacetime? by the release of the extra energy, space time and motion? which it is made up of, what came first?

if we have only space time and undirected motion how can this turn into all the different motions and levels of time space and motion that seems to make up matter?   this seems remarkably improbable..

if matter being formed by spacetime and motion and then releases space time and various motions (energies) and begins expanding rapidly this makes way more sense, that this is where spacetime/motion (separate than spacetime motion in the atom) expanse is coming from.can only motion and space time account for all this energy? We can even say motion and space with the knowlege that time is there of course.

this seems to simple an explanation ....the faster the atoms move the more heat..it seems if you were to break down every bit of energy it has to do with motion..and size length and such (which is space)  vibrating or other types of motions and each movement is affected and moves a particular way, because of other movements and size types of other particles and such..

all this allowed from the expanse of space..  so movement is possible, this space and time being released ..electrons photons protons all of it has their own type of motions and movements sizes and shapes and rapid vibration or whatever, it is still motion spacetime..

gravity electricity em plasma fields heat all of it is made of motion time and space reacting on itself lol pretty freaking wild if this is it..

ok well until I see a good reason this is not the case, we can now move on and come back later..this is only a rough sketch for now anyhow

I have not put it in order, like is motion responsible for the shape by altering space to distort around this motion  or did space shape and motion move in it this way, though I think we can have a reasonable conclusion without probing into much this was just an example of  one of the questions needing answers... and we have enough information to continue.

Sorry to those who still are reading this if I am unclear in parts  hopefully I am clear enough for you to get the main ideas


Ok continuing on we will incorperate shrinking into this (ie altering space) by altering space we alter time however this type of space altering affects our time the same way that thinking fast does this is deffinately important.

 as we shrink as we get smaller and smaller the effects should be clear that we start moving at light speed and the difference is, we reached it by exanding space around us through shrinking not compressing it around us, or having it build up on the outside of a spacecraft and basically compressing it as well..

so the opposite effect should precent itself  we would see people slowing down to a stop and also unlike a black hole people would not see us stepping inside it and taking forever it would be reverse we would see them taking forever to move (if we were small enough.(hint wht do you think is going on inside an atom?I will present this later) it is like we have made them be like they are in a blackhole compared to us however with the subtle difference of the fact that our clock would slow to a stop in the example of the blackhole and the person outside it the clocks would run the same..hmmm...grrr..continued later lol.

so if we are thinking we would be thinking much much faster compared to them and would be the same type of time distortion as thinking fast (so it seems)

Now there must be a reason why thinking and shrinking distorts time similar and light speed and black holes distort time similar as well. in shrinking I can invision space expanding  and in blackholes space compressing but both leads to time stopping yet stopping for 2 different reasons and 2 different results.


Well I am finished,  just have to tweak a little but I have some main points worked out and I scoured the internet.. my idea seems to be original, though I can not understand why..

the concept was simple and fit the complex ..why do we see, hear, smell, taste, feel,walk on top of the ground, have trees, houses, space, stars, electricity, gravity, magnetism, atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, music, radio, infra red light, gamma rays, expansion of space time.. all of it is answered ,everything, it all fits in with this simple conclusion that took a while to work out.. motion is why..motion through space produces everything.

all the things listed above and the thousands of other things not...  are because each one is brought on by motion, be it vibrational wave, slow, fast, super fast spinning with vibrations, spinning vibrating and ...

well you can mix it all around and depending on rates of speed or vibrational spin any type of motion you can think of it will produce the different particle or particles, this motion through space (vibration is motion through space just a small amount of space, but motion through space) makes it all ..

space will bend and fold or other depending on the speed of the motion this gives the motion its shape  "holding" its shape in place.

 when atoms come together, space is folding for attraction when they connect they lose a piece of "motion in space" (electron,photon or any other)

...this may sound insane, but I have been able to come to the right conclusions about different things like taste and smell and sight and sound and lots of others simply by applying my motion idea..

ever wonder why the different energies convert to others? because all energy is made from the exact same thing, all of it, it just has different intensities of movements. what is cold? lack of motion...  what is hot, more motion (subatomic level)  why do we get burned. friction ,which is motion, atoms "rubbing" and bumping against us faster than our atoms can handle..this is motion as well

some energy levels can be the same strength but have different movements so this makes the energy seem different in that respect, but it is made from the same "stuff".Motion in space is Matter  Motion in space is Energy. Motion in space is Mass ..space expanding is because of motion. time moving is because of motion

well those ideas may be unclear since I was just skiming, using the wrong terms even lol

So continuing on now I see nothing that contradicts my thoughts on motion and space gravity electricity all known forces are created from motion ..I will as stated be going over each force and explain i mean take gravity fo instance you can make artificial gravity in space yep by motion though it is not the exact same feel of our natural gravity however with all the motion of atoms from deep inside them to the outsides and space folding around them holding them in place it is pretty easy to almost not have to look any deeper into the subject of gravity being produced by motion.

Yes !! I made another break through today with my theory, I understand CHAOS!! Thank you Jesus for more Information you have been giving to me!!

I cannot believe this this is so cool OMG!!

It just fell into place..I am not going to place it here because I need this hidden to prove I was the one who solved the theory of everything ...

Because,there seems to be a couple of professors that are trying to take my idea from me

 I really cannot believe this, I am poor, have lost the girl I loved am half insane from figuring it out

have so many other problems going on in my life and these couple of well to do people are going to do this to me?

 well they cannot think like I can I will be able to show in court who thought of it, off a bunch of other ideas and blogs of old ..so atl east if they win in court, I will go to the news papers and people will know who solved the biggest  puzzle ever presented!

 IT seems that on the different levels of energy that it is being released at different rates of speed ..so that if you are in the time reference o

speed of light photons do propel through space by the direct opposite way a blackhole pulls space in ..light repells it ..and it gets its direction of flight by the direct opposite of the way it was being pulled in ..so it will leave the sun like an elastic being pulled back and let go ...so light attempts to go in all directions at the same time with equal speed ..not saying for every single photon because if a certain power loss on a section for instance then it would whizz I think towards that weak section ..haha ..so I will say in general it will attempt this. 

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